
Giant Ball Of Poison

The Middle Monk's arm crashed on the ground and sunk into the frozen lake under their feet. The Eater Of Worlds then dashed past the Middle Monk who was sliced in half splattering blood and organs all over the place. The Eater Of Worlds settles his eyes on Python who began slowly backing up. Python stuck his hand out and fired multiple poison shots at The Eater Of Worlds. The Eater Of Worlds placed his sword in the way. The poison shots splattered on his sword and steam began rising into the air. The Eater Of Worlds sliced the air and a blue sword beam was emitted from his sword. Python grabbed the sword beam which pushed him back. Python tossed the sword beam into the air. The sword beam dispersed and a giant gust of wind was created. The Eater Of Worlds jumped in the air and sliced the ground which parted in half. Python levitated in the air and breathed heavily. He grabbed his left arm and purple poison began generating in his hands. A giant ball of poison was released from his hand. The Eater Of Worlds stared at the giant ball of poison and caught the giant poison ball. He tossed it back at Python who engulfed by it.

The poison was his own so it would transform him.

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