
A Talk Well Deserved

Dororo dosnt talk to his family on weekends all he does is go to work and sleep. So Elizabeth was planning on asking to go to school with him on the next Monday. Dororo came home on Saturday to see his mom starring. "whats wrong mom" he said kinda feeling pale " Nothing i just want to talk" "Thats fine but can you give me 30 minutes" " Ok meet me outside then" He felt distraught. He went up to his room to be alone and eat some dinner. He was done feeling like he meant something to anyone. 30 Minutes passed and he went outside. He took a seat and then Susan said " How has school been going" " going pretty well, im up to 3rd in my class" he said releaved that this was the conversation. " That's good how are you and Elizabeth". He froze " Well i decided to keep her away so my feelings dont grow" " If you feel that is right" " Ya i do, I have been thinking and as long as she isn't with me too much i wont think of her in that way" " Well im not gonna lie that pretty much is all i wanted to ask, Elizabeth seemed sad on Friday" " I'm not sure why I wanted to help but she just locked me out" " i see well that's all you can go back"

Monday came around and Dororo didnt have a change of heart, he would delete his ties with his friends and ignore Elizabeth. After school he saw his now old friends looking at me like they were sad but he thought that it was right. He walked home kinda feeling lonely but relieved. When he walked through the door he saw Elizabeth walking down the stairs and said " Hey can i talk to you" "If it's important" " It is, just sit on the couch i need to go do something real quick". He sat down and not to long after she sat down. She started talking " I want to go to school with you, I want to experience a school enviroment" He got up and said " I dont know why you would ask me, i dont care as long as you stay away from me" "Well I asked because mom said that you had a disease and i should ask you" "just stay away and dont expect us to walk home together" " we also talked yesterday and she said that you are gonna start pushing me away, i guess she is right" " i made a mistake getting so close to you" "You can think that but i will always love you". He looked at her and saw a tear drop and started thinking maybe he was wrong maybe he was loved but then he realized that he has to keep his sister safe from him. He walked up the the atairs and into his room.

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