
- Awoken

A few days have passed since the summoning. Under Andras's orders, none are to speak of Ulbert's appearance, although Andras is certain that those who sent the assassins already know of his presence.

Sleeping through the days, the demon god rests in a near-empty room consisting of a large bed and a few torches that dimply lit the small chamber. His chest rises up and down as his lungs inhale the odourless air, sleeping soundlessly throughout days and nights as none dare to disturb.

Is he awake? Anna thought as she peered through the cracks of the old wooden door, desperately trying to see Ulbert through the darkness that covers his simplistic room. She couldn't see him, but then, she could see something, an outline. What...Is that? She stared. Eyeing her way down, slowly, until she laid her eyes upon what made her stomach sink and her heart stop. At the bottom of the bed, far past the wooden frame, hooves belonging to no animal hang off far above the stone floor. She knows who they belong to, of course she would, yet as frightened as she is, her mind refuses to retreat.

Fear, imploring her to pull away from the door and step back. Curiosity, ordering her to stay put and discover more.

I...Is that...him? She swallowed heavily. A..God...

As each moment passed, her pupils widened with fascination and her mind demanded to see more. As each long second went by, her body trembled and cold sweat ran down her back. Part of her mind wants to see more, dismissing the dangers present. Her body fighting against the impulses of the mind, begs to retreat away. A fight that would last forever, shattered in pieces by the cold and sharp gush of air that escaped the gaps of the door and kissed her bright, pink lips. Enveloped in the sudden sensation, her minds gave in and with heavy breaths, she stepped away from the door with footsteps that echoed in the gloomy corridor. Her hand tightly gripped the torch that lights her way—surrounded by darkness.

She rubbed her eyes with her free hand and let out a deep breath "Relax Anna," She whispered to herself. "Remember what Andras said". She recalled to last night.

"Commander Andras? It is me, Anna, may I come in?" Anna slightly knocked on a large stiff door, leading to a meeting room that has been in heavy use as of lately.

A few silent moments later, a muffled but familiar to her voice replied.

"Yes, please come in,"

As she pushed the door open, the warm air flooded through her black hair and dark robe, much warmer than in the corridors and other rooms of this underground labyrinth. The meeting room is as anyone would expect it to be. A large round table made out of black granite sits in the middle of the room, where most of the higher-ups would sit and discuss their plans. A fireplace, small in size, burns freshly cut logs that surround the fiery embers in the centre, heating the large room and providing a lingering feeling of cosiness.

Standing at the bottom of the round table with the door closed behind her, she met Andras's gaze and bowed her head down in respect. Next to him, Tristan, a third-in-command sits with his arms folded tight, his luscious brown beard, braided no more, hangs over his hairy arms covering all but elbows. With a single glance at the dwarf, an image of him with a wide smile appeared in her head. She remembers Tristan as a positive, all-around happy dwarf who would always help her around no matter what. That is no more.

"You trust her Andras?" Tristan looked to his friend as if Anna was not even in the room, making her frown for a moment.

Andras, in turn, gave Tristan a simple smile and a nod of confirmation.

"Anna" He turned his head to her, making her straight her spine even more. "I have a very important task for you, a task that I do not trust anyone else with".

T-Task? She gulped.

She has received orders from Andras before, but for it to be given to her personally by him is unheard off, making her sweat just with a thought of what it could be.

"You are to visit Lord Baphomet and awake him from his slumber," He said as he looked her straight into her eyes, his face lacking any emotion.

"Is that something you would be able to handle?" Tristan asked with a harsh tone.

Anna tightly clenched her fists, her eyes looking down at her feet as her mind sought for an answer. Although she was not there when it happened, she heard about the horrific incident that occurred during the summoning. He killed them, he killed them all. Why did Andras summon that monster? We should get out of here, leave while we can before it is too late. Run before it is too late...

"Anna?" Andras called to her, dragging her out of her mind back into the warm room. She looked at him, her first no longer clenched. "You can count on me commander Andras, I will not fail". She replied to him with confidence in her voice yet fear could be seen in her eyes, no doubt noticed. Returned with a smile, Andras gave a nod of approval as well as dismissal, and a moment later, she once again opened the door of the meeting room and left into the cold, dark labyrinth.

"You can do this." She whispered to herself and lightly slapped her bright red cheeks, her body still trembling but not as much.

Slowly and carefully once again approaching the wooden door, with a struggle, she lifted her heavy hand and gently knocked, holding her breath in the moment.





But no answer as she stood in complete silence. Her ears picked up her heart beating with vigour, picked up the flames of the torch licking the surrounding air, picked up her heavy breaths coming in puffs. Her ears pick up all the vibrations, her mind however, looking for a sound of the voice that she anticipates with great fear so greatly.

He didn't hear me. She was certain. The knock was simply not loud enough, if it was, surely she would hear his reply, perhaps even his heavy footsteps growing resonant as he would approach the door.

There is no other option, she closed her eyes. Gently, she placed her hand, heavy and numb, against the wooden door and with a push, it swung open and bashed against the stone wall, startling her from head to toes. The wind, cold and sharp, was quick to act and swiftly enveloped her body whole through the slim, black robe. The sound of the loud bash faded deep into the walls and a moment later, she once again stood in silence.

She gazed at Ulbert, still asleep. It seems the loud bang was not enough to wake him up, making her sigh in heavy relief. God damn draught.

Slowly and carefully, with a torch in the dark illuminating her face, she approached him. The fear she felt not so long ago is but a child's play compared to this, as now she stands next to him and stares down his demonic features.

So peaceful. An odd thought came into her mind as she looked at Ulbert sleep soundlessly. He is a demon! She shouted in her mind. Frustrated at herself for even thinking one good thought of him. Seeing him like this however, sleeping just like a human would, brought little much-needed peace to her fragile mind.

"W-Where. I am I?" Ulbert thought as he glanced around the black void. His voice so different but so familiar, a voice belonging to that of a human, a voice he was born with. His body, no longer of a monster but instead of a human, just as his voice, the body he was born with.

"You still have not realized! Have you?!" Filled with rage, multiple disembodied voices spoke to him in unison, as if belonging to one being. He turned around. A shadow, darker than the void he stands in, hovers great in front of him, with a wicked skull belonging to a goat that serves as it's head. "All of that rage! All of that hatred!" The shadow spoke again. "Why do you hide it?! Unleash it, cleanse this wretched world of the disease. Use your power!" Ulbert stood still as the shadow turned its bony head and slowly descended to his level, now staring right into his brown eyes. He opened his jaw, yet no words would come out. He flexed his muscles, yet his body refuses to move. He is still, and so is It.

"Baphomet..." The skull whispered to him.

He approached closer.

"Baphomet..." It whispered again, louder. And he approached closer.


With a scream, his abnormal, yellow eyes opened and his mind jerked itself awake. His upper body, immense and powerful, lifted itself off the soft bed and his eyes met the darkness of the room. His long and hairy arm has reached out to something, grabbing and slightly squeezing whatever is in its grasp. He turned his head and gazed at a young woman holding onto a torch. His hand is tightly wrapped around her neck, not squeezing hard enough to kill yet not weak enough to let her scream. Her teeth are gritting against each other and her face turns redder every passing moment. She can breathe, slightly. Her hand still holds onto the torch although no longer with a stronger grip, while her other arm stays put and does not move a muscle.

She is rather calm at the situation at hand. Ulbert thought as he got a good look at her, dismissing the fact that his body grabbed her as if on instinct.

She knows not to move. He let out a massive grin and slightly, he eased the pressure on her neck, permitting her to speak whilst still holding her fragile neck in his hand.

"Who are you?" He spoke. His voice deep and menacing, just as she expected it to be.

"M-My name...Is An-Anna...I-I was sent here...By...By C-Commander Andras." She spoke in a struggle.

Andras? Ulbert released her throat, marks from his hand left on her pink skin and hear breaths heavy as her lungs took in so much needed air. Her body quickly succumbed to the floor, and with a deep bow, she smacked her head against the floor.

"H-He sent me to check in on your well-being Lord." She continued.

"Why did he not arrive himself?"

"I-I do not know Lord." Anna swiftly replied. Now she herself, wondering, why didn't Andras arrive himself? Was he too afraid of his Lord? She never questions Andras and follows his orders without a peep, now looking back, she feels quite foolish for following his orders so blindly.

Wait...Where Am I? Ulbert thought as he looked around the room, his eyes have adapted to the darkness surprisingly well, allowing him to see as if on a clear day. The room's walls, as well as the floor and the empty ceiling, are made out of dark stone in a flagstone pattern while a single wooden door serves as the entrance into the room. Although the first impressions might say otherwise, this is not a dungeon, not a cell, but near-empty room. A room designed by a simple-minded man, who would never envision a god resting in it.

"Girl," He spoke to Anna without shifting his gaze.

"Y-Yes Lord?" She lifted her head.

"How long was I resting?"

"T-Three days my Lord," She said as she once again bowed her head down.

Three days...Ulbert looked closer at his hands, his claws detached and hidden underneath his cape.

What a marvellous body. I was asleep for three whole days and even now, I do not feel the need to eat or drink. I even think...Differently...

"What is your name girl?" Ulbert asked the woman as he stood up from the bed. His hooves smacked against the stone floor and with his hands, he patted down his wrinkled velvet cape and fixed his hat.

"Anna, Lord."

"Lead the way Anna." He let out a wide grin. "An important discussion awaits."

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