
Toby Doe

No no no no no NOOOOOOO. Umm, where do I being. Ok, ok let me tell you a story of how I met him. Toby. It was a cloudy day, a just finished unpacking my stuff from my mom's car. We moved to Florida after my sister Annie turned 14 and are mom got a job here ." George can you come down and help your sister " said My dad he was wearing a black bottom down shirt in blue jeans. He was annoying sometimes, but I didn't care, "Ok" I said then went downstairs to help my sister get her stuff and unpack.After I helped her unpack and everything was in the house it started to rain and I just love it when it rained but I didn't want to go I felt that if I go I would drown for some reason.A month later I made a friend,well he was my best,his name was Toby, Toby Doe. He wears a blue jacket with black jeans and blue and black converse. His features where blue eyes like the ocean, brown hair it was messy and it was a medium length like in the middle of his neck that was is hair length , he was little pale and lean like he had muscles but he was close to a skinny person almost. We hung out had sleepovers, party's, what best friends do and all. We had been best friends for years now, but one day we were walking and he stopped and turned to the house right next to us. he just stood there looking and said "never go to this house at all " and turned to me and said or he will take your love away. I laughed at him and said" yeah right like something can do that. That only happens in story's and horror movies " Toby said " just you watch " and we started to walk away but the way he said those things made me actually scared and he said it I. A dark deep voice like he was possessed by a demon or something. The next day me and my sister's friend went on a walk cause my sister went to the store and her friend came over but my sister was gone so we decided to take a walk on the same path me and Toby walked. But then I looked or and saw the house it was abandoned and old. " let's go in there" my sister's friend said " Ok " I didn't care what Toby said it would be cool to see what was in there. As we went in We heard the most creepiest voice behind us " ohh so you didn't listen to my warning George. I am going to give you one more chance to walk away from this." Then the door Closed and we rushed out and went to my house my sister came in with groceries and said "what a baby you are 16 years old and still cry like a baby." I didn't care what she said but what I did care was that voice was it Toby Playing a prank on me maybe. The next day me and Toby was playing video games at my house I was a little off cause of the voice and I looked at Toby and just stared at him. "Are you ok dude ?" Said Toby. I looked back at the game a said "yeah Just something weird happened yesterday " " Oh really what happened " I told him everything " Then Toby looked at me with a gaze this was a horrible gaze that he gave like I thought of just death. Then he said " did you turned around " I said no then he said " oh " and started to laugh. It was a creepy demon laugh only a monster would laugh like that. Then it was night and I was going to bed I had a bunk bed cause I loved it and so what. I went to the top bunk and lad down and just when I was about to close my eyes a drift off I see a figure in the widow it had a demonic smile or a creepy pumpkin smile, it had short horns and had eyes that were so black you couldn't see nothing,but black goo that run down its face, it had teeth razor sharp and the exact hair of Toby. It pointed at me and said" No, I can't let you go untouched " and lunges at me. I wake up and see blood all over my bedroom walls readed" time is running out for you , you can't do anything , I am not your friend, you have strings, you have strings ,you have no one left but death, Hahahaha " I was scared and froze in shock. It was unreal I thought and then I went down for breakfast. After breakfast the doorbell rings and then a bang went out from the door we all jumped and I walked over to and I knock went from the door I opened it to see who did it but no one was there but a box that says " George Fullie " with a smile and horns. I took then box and opened it it was a little bit heavy like it was at least 20 pounds. I opened the boxes and found a CD, knife, clock, and a note. How could all those things be heavy. The note read " Hi George this is Toby, I have gave you a warning and You didn't any way so now your loves ones will died by me. You can't stop me like last night I lunged at you and took your soul you are died haha, give people warnings all the time and they never listen like you. But here is the thing I don't care about you or anything that you think I care about but there is one way to get " I was shocked and didn't have time to waste. Was that my blood I thought to my self I need to get rid off him then I looked at the CD and I played it. " oh hi my name is Sam and I am here to help you out. You might be thinking how does he know what happened to me well I know yay how could you have seen this or heard this. The only way to get rid of Toby is killing " the CD ended. Then I heard a scream from my sisters bed room I rushed down there and saw her friend died she was ripped apart and hung on the window saying "you are next little one." We called the police but all we heard was screams from the other side of the phone. My dad went outside to get help. As soon as he opened the door my sister yelled and said " help me" and was thrown across the house my mom started crying and my dad went to help my sister. As soon as he got five feet closer A dark figure rose up and took her and jumped on the couch then started to laugh and say " there are no strings on me" the killed my sister I can't say how cause it was to terrible to tell. My dad turned around and tried to protect me then Toby lunged and my dad but the as toby lunged my dad my mom swung a bat and hit Toby in he face Toby let out an scream and my mom said " run George run never come back never ever come back I love you we will always love you now go go and don't come back to save us we will always love you!" I ran after door and never looking back there again I I never knew if they're alive or if they're dead ,but I miss them so much. Why Did I ever go to that Abandon house he warned me,but I did listen. Two years has passed and I'm still traumatized from that day. but I still here what Toby said " Hi George this is Toby, I have gave you a warning and You didn't any way so now your loves ones will died by me. You can't stop me like last night I lunged at you and took your soul you are died haha, give people warnings all the time and they never listen like you. But here is the thing I don't care about you or anything that you think I care about but there is one way to get " "hahahahahahahahahhahahah you have strings

I hold you down

You may go up

But I will hold you down

You have strings I put on you

But there are no strings one me

The End

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