

Oh hey Chris" I look are the table its a bunch of guys sitting there. Football players?. "You gonna sit down" a voice snapped me back into reality. "Yeah" I simple smile played on my lips as I sat down beside him. "So your the new girl" I turn to a hursh but smooth voice. He has blue eyes the color of the ocean. And his hair is a light brown. "Yeah I'm Sam". I bite on my lip because I sort of nervous. "You have a southern voice, where are you from?". How did he notice it seemed like he didn't want anyone to see he cares. "A small town". Home. I miss it. Everything is different here. I need to lay low. My phone beeps "Uh sorry guys I have to take this". I grab my stuff and run outside. I look around to make sure know one followed me then I answered my phone.

*phone call*

"Any news"

"They are trying to trace the line of evidence to the gang what is the plan boss?".

"Fuck! I call you later". What people don't know is I'm undercover. As Samantha Caldwell. As far as people know I'm from a small town called van. I worked on my accent to make me sound "southern". I'm wearing a blond wig definitely not my hair color. I have brown hair and green eyes. Twenty everyone thinks I'm seventeen. I keeps a trash can. And get my pack of smokes out and light one.

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