
I'm yours !!

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A boy, named Zayn, member of famous boy band 1D and the son of one of the richest man in London decided to pursue his degree in London business school to help his father in his business later. One young girl, y/n, from a middle class family from India dreamt of studying in London business school and got a chance too. But she is lost in the vast and complicated world of London and felt lonely. Facing too many problems, will she be able to get her aim fulfilled? Will she be able to make the young man, Zayn, realize what actual love is?

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Chapter 1Chapter 1 - A new life

"Papa... I have a good news for you. " I ran to my dad like a crazy. "Yes, princess! " said the man whom I loved the most, who sacrificed his everything for me always having a bright smile stuck to his middle aged face. "Papa! Guess what i-" "You got a call from London business school " he said without letting me to finish my sentence. And there I was standing with a wide-opened mouth. "Papa, how do you know? " I asked. "Well, do you forget who I am? I am your -" " Father and you know everything. I remember! " this time I cut him. "Yes, princess. At last you got what you want. I am proud of you. " "Papa... " I hugged him.

Evening time

(Author's POV)

" How can we let her go to such a big country? And let me remind you we have never been to London and nor we have anyone to look after her. " Mrs. Nath said to her husband, worriedly. "Y/m/n, what are you saying she -" "Papa, it's ok. If mom is worried to let me go. It's fine. I will think of a backup plan then. " y/n said. As she was ready to go, her father stopped her and said, " y/n, stop! You don't have to think of any backup plan. You have done your part, you have achieved what you want and now it's my time to do my duty as a father and y/m/n, don't worry I will do something. Just have trust in our daughter. "

Next day

(Mr. Nath's POV)

"And give me a choco pie please " I am now in the market, buying some things for the household. I told y/n and her mother not to worry about anything. But I don't know how to do it. I can't let them down. They trust me and y/n, she was so happy when she got the call. I can't break her heart. As I am so involved in my thoughts, suddenly someone tap from my behind and as i turned around I see the face of one of my old friend. "Hey Ashish! What a pleasant surprise! " I hug him. Meeting your old friend has got some unexplainable feelings. "Hey y/f/n, long time no see ha?! How're you doing? ", ask Ashish. "I am doing good. Tell about you. You're in America, right? " "Yes, but I got a transfer to Delhi. "

"Oh this is good. "

"Yeah it is! I was missing my place. Come let's have a coffee. And tell me about your life. "

"Sure! ", I paid to the shopkeeper and went with Ashish to our favorite coffee shop - ' The coffee point '

"Two cappacino with no sugar please. " Ashish said to the waiter. " so y/f/n, how's y/n doing? I haven't seen her for a long time. "

"Oh y/n, she has grown to a beautiful girl. She got a call from London business school too. "

"Oh that's great. I need a treat then. So when is she going to join? "

"Actually Ashish, we've got a problem. As you know, we don't have anyone there. And sending our daughter to an unknown place... I don't know how to manage. "

"Y/f/n, do you remember Zara? "

"Zara! How can I forget her? "

"Well she lives in London and they are one of the trustee of London business school. And conincidently her son, Zayn, also joined the school this year. If you want I can give you her number. "

"Oh that's great! But will it be good to ask her for help? I mean I haven't talk to her for a long time and suddenly asking for a help..... "

"Why wouldn't it be good? She will be happy to help you. Just talk to her. "

"Ok give her number. "

"Here.. 839..... "

"Thank You Ashish. "

"No need! Lemme know when you settle everything. "

"Sure, I will"

Few days later

(Y/n's POV)

We are in the plane now, traveling to London, my dream place. Dad said everything is settled now and I believe him too. But I don't know why still I have some doubts in my mind. I look at my dad, who is sitting next to me. "Papa" I called him.

"Yes y/n"

"Papa, is it okay to take help from them? I mean I know they are your friends but we haven't been in touch with them for a long time. If they mind.. If they have to face any problem because of us? "

"I know Zara. She won't mind. And beside their son is also in the same college so you'll get a company also. What say? "

"Son??!! Oh, you're right! "

"Don't worry y/n, I'm sure Zayn is a good guy. "

London, 7:45 am

(Zayn's POV)

"Zayn! I have to receive some guests from airport. Please get up quickly. Zayn? "

"Yes mom! I heard you. " I opened my eyes and checked the phone and as always 156 messages with 34 missed calls.

"Oof these girls! ", I sighed and head to my bathroom.

8.30 am

"Good morning mom"

"Good morning son "

"Mom! Where's Mr. Malik? "

"He isn't in home".

"I'm telling you, keep eyes on him. "

"He's not like you Zayn. Instead of saying these kind of shits , focus on your career. "

"And here comes Mr. Malik's obedient son. "

"You both sit and finish the breakfast. "

"Okay mom! "

(author's POV)

Mr. Malik entered the hall.

"Zara! Give my breakfast. So, Justin, when's the meeting today.. With the New York's clients? "

"It's at 2 pm, dad. "

"Okay, don't let them any chance to complain. They are very important clients. "

"I won't dad. Don't worry"

"Zayn? "

"Hmm "

"Is it a way to respond? "

"Sorry "

"Well, what should I expect from you! Anyways, when your classes will start? "

" From 10"

" umm I hope you don't waste my money this year and get a life. "

" I'm having a life. "

"A life? All the things you got is from my money. Don't waste your time in the singing and all and join the company. And there'll be a girl from India. She's in the same class as you, you have to make her comfortable. "

"A girl? "

"She is one of ours friend's daughter. She got admission in your college. Zara! She's such a bright girl. She got admission in a scholarship. And now see, she'll come here to study and look at him having all the things he's just sitting with his guitar. "

"I am going mom"

"But you haven't completed your food. "

"I'm full mom. Thanks to Mr. Malik. Bye mom. "

"Learn some manners from the girl and take care of her. "

"Take care? Yeah sure I'll take care of her that she 'll beg me to go to her home. "

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