
Team Akira (2)

It's alright, Akira-san. Indeed, Pokemon don't have any chakra. But I assure you that they can fight."

"How can a chakra-less creature be alive? As far as I know, even cats and dogs have their own chakra pathway system," Rinan refuted as he glared at the Pokemon. "They can't be puppets as well. What exactly are they?"

Okami was not surprised to hear that Pokemon did not have chakra. After all, they were not of this world. He smiled and picked Vulpix up. "Like what I have told you, these are Pokemon. They are chakra-less creatures that can be summoned by our clan. And they can be trained and used by anyone that does not have our blood by becoming a Pokemon trainer."

Koga looked at Weedle and Caterpie who were crawling around the table. "Are those bugs Pokemon as well?"

Okami nodded. "Yes, Koga-kun. They might look weak but they can still evolve and become stronger."

"Evolve?" Akira asked, his eyes wandering towards one Pokemon to the next. "Can you tell me more about Pokemon, Okami-kun?"

As a Pokemon Emissary, Okami faithfully explained all the details to them. They were all the more interested when Okami told them about 'Absorb' mode.

"So are you telling me I can have those worms if I become a Pokemon trainer?" Koga stepped forward and approach the bugs. "Can I touch them?"

"Sure, go ahead."

Koga stooped down and patted Caterpie's head. He then touched Weedle, barely avoiding the stinger on his head. "Mysterious. They are not normal bugs."

Rinan frowned when he thought that sealing tenketsu would be useless against a Pokemon. Luckily, they were all small sized so he could just use force to kick their butt. "How can they attack if they are without chakra?"

"Wanna try fighting against them, Rinan-kun?"

Rinan nodded. "Please. I'd love to fight them."

Okami shifted his attention towards the blonde man. "Can we spare some time to have a friendly sparring session?"

Akira sighed and nodded. "As long as you're careful. Remember, control your strength, Rinan. No weapons. And no Ninjutsu allowed."

"Sure, Akira-sensei."

"Then let us spar outside," Okami replied as he led the way. Soon they were all standing at the vacant yard.

Rinan activated his dojutsu and envisioned himself at the center of an Eight Trigrams symbol. Even though he could not block the Pokemon's tenketsu, he was still aware that he could safely block their attacks. With Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, he was confident that he could thrash them. He was now in the fighting stance, ready for the spar.

Okami was surprised when he saw Rinan doing the stance. He suspected that the Hyuga kid was part of the main house and a talented one at that. If that was the case, he wondered why a talent like him was not shown in the Naruto Anime. Inside his mind, he commanded his Pokemon to fight him.

'Weedle, use your Poison Sting but keep on moving. Same with you, Caterpie, do not stop using String Shot until you exhaust your energy. Abra, distract him with your teleportation. Don't appear near him, okay?'

Abra vanished right away and appeared at Rinan's left side while Caterpie shot web strings from his mouth. Weedle crawled opposite Caterpie and threw poison stings from his head.

Rinan chuckled and deflected all the attacks as he tried hitting Abra but the Pokemon disappeared and reappeared right at his back. Due to his almost 360 degrees sight, he had no problem tracing the Pokemon's whereabouts. He turned around and tried hitting Abra but he missed. Weedle did not stop releasing poison stings as he crawled. Likewise, Caterpie continued spouting web shoots.

Annoyed, Rinan dashed towards Weedle and was about to punch it when Abra appeared and grabbed Weedle. Both of them vanished and reappeared just outside of his range.

Rinan strode towards Caterpie to vent his frustrations when Abra teleported behind the worm and both of them disappeared.

This went on until all the sixty-four hits were released. Rinan wanted to pummel the annoying Abra but the Pokemon was very quick to escape. He suspected that the yellow humanoid only knew teleport but he was the very source of his problem. If this persisted, then he knew that their battle would be in a deadlock. Not satisfied, he planned to do another set of Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms.

Okami was amazed by the effectiveness of his battle plan. Even though he was the one who commanded them to act that way but he was not sure if the Pokemon had the ability to persist in a real fight. He looked at how Rinan fought with the trio again and the same scenario happened. He was about to command them to stop when the Pokemon App appeared on his hand.


Due to intense fighting, Weedle gained enough level to evolve. Do you wish to evolve the Pokemon?

Due to intense fighting, Caterpie gained enough level to evolve. Do you wish to evolve the Pokemon?


Okami was ecstatic to see the prompt. He knew the bug pokemon were easier to evolve than the rest but he was not expecting this fast. He wondered if he was feeding them a lot which contributed to their higher levels. Without hesitation, he confirmed the process.

Rinan was about to do another set of attacks when he saw the swirling mass of lights covered Weedle and Caterpie. He stayed away from the Pokemon and waited. After a few seconds, the lights disappeared and saw two new Pokemon replacing the worms.

Okami smiled when he saw the successful evolution. He checked the Pokedex entry.


Pokedex Entry:

Metapod (Female)

Level: 9

Type: Bug

Skill: String Shot, Tackle, Harden


Shed Skin - The Pokemon may heal its own status problem.

Run Away (Only in Absorb Mode) - A Pokémon trainer with this Ability can always flee and use teleport successfully, regardless of trapping moves and abilities. This Ability has no effect on switching out.

Requirement for Evolution:

Level 10 (Butterfree)

How to Level Up:

By fighting; By eating their favorite food (each Pokemon have their corresponding favorite foods in every world)

Other Stats: (Locked), must avail Pokemon App upgrade

EV: (Locked)

IV: (Locked)



Pokedex Entry:

Weedle (Male)

Level: 8

Type: Bug, Poison

Skill: String Shot, Poison Sting, Harden


Shed Skin - The Pokemon may heal its own status problem.

Run Away (Only in Absorb Mode) - A Pokémon trainer with this Ability can always flee and use teleport successfully, regardless of trapping moves and abilities. This Ability has no effect on switching out.

Requirement for Evolution:

Level 10 (Beedrill)

How to Level Up:

By fighting; By eating their favorite food (each Pokemon have their corresponding favorite foods in every world)

Other Stats: (Locked), must avail Pokemon App upgrade

EV: (Locked)

IV: (Locked)


Okami felt great when he saw that two of his Pokemon evolved. A little push would be needed so as to evolve them again. This time, he wanted to be more aggressive and push his skills to the limit.

'Metapod, when I say "Store energy and power up. Hit him with laser attack", use Harden. Kakuna, continue harassing Rinan with your Poison Sting. Abra, please be observant. You know what to do.'

Rinan was surprised when the two worms changed their forms and became cocoons. He was greatly alarmed when he heard Okami shouted, "Metapod, store energy and power up. Hit him with laser attack."

Metapod's body glimmered and white light was absorbed by his body. Kakuna just stood still while shooting several poison stings as Abra sat behind Metapod.

Rinan blocked the stings and dashed towards Metapod as he wanted to incapacitate the Pokemon because he was disturbed by what Okami said. Abra teleported together with Metapod, and reappeared out of his range. Metapod's body shone once again as Okami shouted, "Go on Metapod. Store energy and power up. Hit him with laser attack. Ha! Ha! Ha!" Rinan became more agitated when this went on for many times until Okami shouted, "It's time! Metapod, do iiiiiit!!!"

Metapod's body shone brightly while Abra teleported behind Kakuna's body. Rinan scurried and arrived before Metapod, punching the Pokemon with all his might. He was very happy that his attack succeeded but when the punch finally connected, he felt like he was punching metal. He then followed it up with another punch when he felt sticky webs were hitting his body.

Metapod was lightly hurt but she did not stop spouting web shoots which all hit Rinan.

Rinan tried moving but he felt his body was slowed down. He wanted to escape and turned around when he saw Vulpix and Rattata running towards him like a bull. The hairs on his nape stood up and he tried dodging but his speed was very much in the lowest form right now. Soon, his crotch was hit by the double tackles.

Rinan crouched down as he held his jewels. "Why...you...that's foul..."

"Hah! Pokemon wins!" Okami knew that the crotch attack was overkill but at least it was effective. He wondered if he had to change the name of the skill from Tackle to Jewel Crush. At least the latter sounded more regal than the other. The Pokemon App blinked once again.


After winning, Kakuna gained enough level to evolve. Do you wish to evolve the Pokemon?

After winning, Metapod gained enough level to evolve. Do you wish to evolve the Pokemon?


Okami confirmed the process and witnessed the lights swirling on their bodies, again. Soon, the evolution stopped and he gained his first max evolved Pokemon.


Pokedex Entry:

Butterfree (Female)

Level: 12

Type: Bug, Flying

Skill: String Shot, Tackle, Harden, Confusion


Compound Eyes - raises the bearer's accuracy by 30%.

Shed Skin (Only in Absorb Mode) - The Pokemon may heal its own status problem.

Run Away (Only in Absorb Mode) - A Pokémon trainer with this Ability can always flee and use teleport successfully, regardless of trapping moves and abilities. This Ability has no effect on switching out.

Requirement for Evolution:

None, Dynamaxing (Locked), Mega Form (Locked)

How to Level Up:

By fighting; By eating their favorite food (each Pokemon have their corresponding favorite foods in every world)

Other Stats: (Locked), must avail Pokemon App upgrade

EV: (Locked)

IV: (Locked)

Will you delete a move to learn Gust skill?

Deleted moves can be learned again using Pokemon Tutor (needs to be unlocked)



Pokedex Entry:

Beedrill (Male)

Level: 11

Type: Bug, Poison

Skill: String Shot, Poison Sting, Harden, Twineedle


Sniper - increases the power of critical hits by 1.5×. This means a critical hit will deal 2.25× normal damage instead of 1.5×.

Shed Skin (Only in Absorb Mode) - The Pokemon may heal its own status problem.

Run Away (Only in Absorb Mode) - A Pokémon trainer with this Ability can always flee and use teleport successfully, regardless of trapping moves and abilities. This Ability has no effect on switching out.

Requirement for Evolution:

None, Dynamaxing (Locked), Mega Form (Locked)

How to Level Up:

By fighting; By eating their favorite food (each Pokemon have their corresponding favorite foods in every world)

Other Stats: (Locked), must avail Pokemon App upgrade

EV: (Locked)

IV: (Locked)

Will you delete a move to learn Peck skill?

Deleted moves can be learned again using Pokemon Tutor (needs to be unlocked)


The 4th one. XD

sweet_and_sour143creators' thoughts
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