

"Then, before you start reading his memories, may I know what Pokemon you choose as your starter?"

Inoichi compared everything that Professor Oak said earlier and weighed his options. After a few minutes of contemplation, he came into a decision. "I'd love to have Zubat as my starter Pokemon."

Not expecting his decision, Professor Oak turned around and gave him an inquisitive stare. "Why Zubat? I thought you were going to choose Drowzee."

"Drowzee seems to be a solid choice and complements well with my Ninjutsu but I want to have more diversity in my attacks," Inoichi explained while looking at the bat Pokemon flapping its wings in the air. "Besides, I'm kind of interested in a flying Pokemon."

Professor Oak smiled when he heard his response. He grabbed the other two Pokeballs and said, "Return."

Drowzee and Mr. Mime disintegrated and became a swiveling mass of light, which then zoomed back towards the Pokeball.

"Go ahead and make a contract with Zubat."

"How do I do that?"

Professor Oak approached Inoichi and gave him the remaining Pokeball. "This is called a Pokeball, which is used to capture Pokemon. But to create a contract with him - this Zubat is a male, by the way - you just have to pour your chakra into the Pokeball and communicate with him using your thoughts. If the Pokemon responds, you will naturally hear its voice inside your mind."

Inoichi accepted the Pokeball, which felt cold to his touch. Without wasting time, he then let some of his chakra enveloped the Pokeball and called Zubat inside his mind, saying, 'Zubat, can you hear me?'

{What do you want, human?}

Even though he agreed to do the contract, he was half-expecting to hear Zubat's shrill voice, which made him pleasantly surprised. 'Do you want to make a contract with me and become my partner?'

{Would you promised to level me up until I become a Crobat?}

'I don't know how to evolve you into a Crobat but rest assured I will not slack in making you stronger.'

{I can feel your sincerity. Then, I agree to make a contract with you. You are called Inoichi, correct?}


{What name do you want to call me?}

Inoichi was surprised when he heard his question. Nevertheless, he gave a quick reply. 'Inochi.'

{Then, Inochi is my new name, partner. I hope you can give me lots of bugs to eat so I can level up. Are you interested to find out how I can help you?}

'Would you please enlighten me, Inochi?'

{We can either fight together as your partner or absorb me to possess my ability and skills. I only have Absorb and Supersonic as my skills but I will learn new ones as I grow stronger. Absorb lets me drain other's vitality and convert half of its damage to my vitality. Supersonic is a sonar skill that lets me confuse enemies using illusions.}

'Is supersonic a Genjutsu skill?'

{You can say it that way. And my ability is Infiltrator. It let me able to cause status changes to targets by ignoring its defense buff and shields. And if you absorb me, then you will also have this skill. Your Mind Control Jutsu will have a lasting and devastating effect. But it requires Chakra while I am being Absorbed.}

'Then I can't wait to find out more about you, Inochi. For happy cooperation.'

{For happy cooperation, partner.}

Inoichi felt some sort of a connection growing stronger between Zubat and himself. The Pokeball in his hand suddenly disintegrated and became ash. Zubat flew towards Inoichi and fluttered just above his head. He felt his partner's happiness, which made him smile.

"So the contract with Zubat is a success, am I right?" Professor Oak interrupted the duo's interaction and gave a light chuckle. "So how does it feel to become a Pokemon trainer, Inoichi?"

Inoichi raised his hands and touched Zubat and felt its leathery wings. "Not bad. How I wished I can also let Choza and Shikaku have their Pokemon as well."

Professor Oak threw the two Pokeballs towards Inoichi. Even though he was caught unawares, Inoichi was able to catch the Pokeballs due to his good reflex, and asked, "Why did you throw me this Pokeballs, Professor?"

"Let me just say that it's a gift for your partners due to your good intentions. Despite the situations, you never failed to remember the goodwill of your companions, of which I fully support. You may let them have the contract, just make sure to tell my Grandson because you will still need the power of the Ketchum clan to become a Pokemon trainer."

Inoichi was pleased to hear the good news and gave Professor Oak a bow. "Thank you so much, Professor Oak. I promise you that our deal will be realized."

"I know. I think it is time to do what you have intended to come here for, Inoichi," Professor said as he moved aside, showing a screen behind him. "All of his memories are stored inside this. I hope that you will take care of my Grandson. And goodbye..."

Professor Oak's body became more transparent while he was talking until he dissipated like that of a ghost. Even Alakazam vanished instantly like a popped bubble, and all that was left was Inoichi who was awkwardly standing in the middle of the room with a flying Zubat just above him.

Inoichi walked towards the screen and stopped when he was a few centimeters away from it. There were some knobs scattered on the board panel of which he did not know what use they were for, but he could still feel the thing he had to do to read the memories. Slowly, he raised his left hand and pressed the middle button. The screen flickered intermittently and this went on for a few seconds before it became stable. And then he saw the scenes which made his heart cold.


The cold room was eerily silent, and all that could be heard was the slow breathing of the three people inside the area. This went on for almost half an hour, and Hiruzen waited patiently for Inoichi to finished reading Okami's memories.

Hiruzen felt interested in Okami's powers and his summons which he called Pokemon. If he played his cards right, then there would be an additional clan with a unique Kekkei Genkai living in Konoha. And since Okami was still a child, then he could easily teach him the Will of Fire, thereby making him more attached to the village. He further noted that Konoha would gain benefits only and no losses. With all these things, Hiruzen was all the more eager to protect the child and let him become Konoha's ninja. He was in the middle of his ruminations when he saw Inoichi and Okami opening their eyes.

Hiruzen was about to call Inoichi's attention when he noticed his grave expression. This made him alert and waited for Inoichi to calm down, before asking, "How is it, Inoichi?"

Inoichi took a deep breath. "Hokage-sama, I need to report this to you, alone."

Hiruzen nodded and shifted his attention on Okami. "Okami, will you please stay inside this room for a while? Inoichi and I need to talk about something."

Okami just gave a weak nod and sat on the vacant chair.

Hiruzen went through the door just behind Inoichi. It led to a spacious room with the Mind Reading Amplification Machine at the center. "Don't worry about the young Okami. Tora and Ushi are tasked to guard him at all times. So, what have you seen inside his memories?"

Inoichi's countenance was grave as he contemplated what he had seen earlier. "Hokage-sama, every single thing that Okami told us was the truth. And Ketchum Clan exists...or what was left of it."

"What is it, Inoichi?"

"Their clan lived in a hidden island just south of the fallen Uzushigakure. They were very reclusive and their powers are sought after by ninjas who accidentally trespassed into their territory. All people who knew of their existence were required to make an oath, which prevented them from telling others about their existence. Failure to comply with the oath kills them regardless if the trespasser is strong or not. Nevertheless, the trespassers will eagerly comply because of the benefits they can get from the Ketchum clan. One of which is the benefits of knowing the future and scouring the past. The other one is making contracts with the Pokemon.

Unfortunately, the village was ransacked by an unknown force, just right after the Uzumaki clan was destroyed. The only remaining people were Professor Oak, his son Ash, and his Grandson Brock or Okami as we know. Somehow, Professor Oak had a premonition that both his and his son's imminent deaths were approaching, so to protect his Grandson's life, he sealed his remaining lifeforce inside Okami's memories. He somehow predicted that this situation will happen and that I will use mind-reading on his Grandson, and he had made some preparations.

Ash Ketchum was indeed killed by Orochimaru because he sacrificed himself in exchange for his son's life. And because of the trauma Okami had experienced, he had temporary amnesia.

As for his visions, I've seen it with vividness. Hokage-sama, sometime in the future, Orochimaru will attack Konoha and he will be able to kill you because the other ninjas could not help you due to the barrier. And the more curious thing is, he had the help of the First and Second Hokage."

Hiruzen narrowed his eyes and his breathing became ragged. "What abomination did Orochimaru do? Don't tell me he was able to revive the dead?"

There was a momentary silence between the two people, each having their thoughts about the information. Hiruzen broke the quietude between them and said, "There's nothing we can do about the prophecy except prepare things through. You've said earlier that you have met Professor Oak. What happened?"

"Yes, I've indeed met him when I was inside Okami's mind." Inoichi stepped backward until they were almost three meters apart and stopped. "Summon: Zubat."

The blue-black bat Pokemon appeared in the air and flapped its wings. It looked around and saw Inoichi and screeched as it flew just above his head. Inoichi chuckled as he saw his partner's actions.

"Is that a Pokemon?" Hiruzen pointed at the bat, his eyes inspecting the creature.

"Meet my partner, Inochi." Inoichi introduced Zubat with a proud voice. "Professor Oak gave this to me as my starter Pokemon. I have now become an official Pokemon trainer, Hokage-sama."

"And what can it do?"

Inoichi recounted to Hiruzen everything he had learned from Inochi, the Zubat. Hiruzen slowly digested this information and he was all the more surprised at the ability of this tiny creature.

"Does it need chakra to summon Inochi?"

"No, Hokage-sama. Only when I absorb him do I need chakra to maintain the power. And every skill he learns I will be able to execute as well when I am in 'Absorb' mode."

"Inochi can understand you?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama. He can communicate with me through my mind and I can understand everything he says. It is as if we are connected as I can feel his feelings. And I have a vague suspicion that he can feel what I feel as well."

Inoichi then produced two Pokeballs from his inner pocket. "And these are two Pokeballs given by Professor Oak to Choza and Shikaku, which contains two Pokemon: Drowzee and Mr. Mime. Well, we still need Okami's power to officially make them a Pokemon trainer."

Hiruzen slowly approached Inoichi and took a glimpse at the Pokeballs. "Can you open the Pokeballs to see the Pokemon?"

Inoichi shook his head. "Sorry, Hokage-sama. Even though everyone can catch them using Pokeball, only the Ketchums can let them out unless one becomes a Pokemon trainer through their clan's power."

"Why don't we try having your Zubat with you in a sparring session? I want to know their battle capabilities if they are worth nurturing."

Inoichi looked at Inochi and gave a confident smile. "As you wish, Hokage-sama."

The chapter for today. :D

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