
Stay safe, Chancey.

The deposit box was just a simple stainless steel box. It was not much bigger than a large shoe box. The lid was on a hinge and all you needed to open it was the right key.

Chance had often wondered about this. After getting through all the fancy security tech just to get inside, a little more effort should be put into the box itself, right?

He unceremoniously swung the lid open and started sifting through the contents.

At the bottom of the box, there was a large tan envelope with '1969 Camaro' scrawled across the front in his own handwriting. Just seeing it made him nostalgic.

Things had been simpler then. He was still on good terms with his family, he was engaged to a lovely young woman, and his business was just starting to take off.

Now, ten years later, his family wanted nothing to do with him, his former fiancée had married someone else, and his business was gone.

He grabbed the envelope and placed it on the table. Then he reached back in and took hold of a small leather pouch.

With the contents of that little pouch, Chance could force himself back into the family very easily.

If Fait hadn't come for him the other night and if he had survived the attempts on his life, he would already have come here and cleaned out the deposit box and gone to see the current family head.

Fortunately, Fait did come and she gave him the second chance he so desperately needed.

He let go of the pouch and replaced the lid. After storing the key away in his wallet, he pushed the box back into its place until it clicked, stuffed the envelope into his jacket, and made his way out of the facility.

A few minutes later, he was back on the motorcycle, tearing across the city to the pick up point.

When he rode into the secluded lot, Nevada was already there waiting. She was leaning against the truck and looking up into the sky.

Sadly, there was nothing worth looking at tonight. There were no clouds, it was a new moon, and the light pollution from the city obstructed the view of the stars.

She had attached a narrow ramp to the back of the truck. Chance directly rode up the ramp and stopped just short of the cab's rear window. He hit the kill switch, removed the helmet, and got off the motorcycle.

After securing the bike with some ratchet straps he jumped over the side of the truck to land next to Nevada.

As he hopped to the ground he heard the girl scoff, "Show off."

"Which part?" He tried to look genuinely offended.

She just rolled her eyes and asked for her payment. "Fork it over, Chancey."

"And here I thought we were friends." He pulled out the phone Fait had given him, logged into his new bank account, and transferred some money to Nevada's account.

Her phone pinged to let her know the transaction went through. "We may be friends, but you can't just take advantage of me. Fuel prices are going up again and so is my tuition. I can't become a proper mechanic without some certifications. And they ain't free!"

"I told you before I'd pay for it." Chance crossed his arms and stared down at her.

"What, so I can owe you some kind of debt? Nah, I'd rather work for it." She shook her head and looked away.

"You know I'd never hold any debts over you, Nev." Her words actually stung a bit. While she had said it out of pride, it sounded like she had no trust in him.

"Yeah, but this is still something I've got to do on my own."

"I know." He reached out to ruffle her hair and then pulled her into a bear hug. "Take care of yourself, Nev. Don't cause Dakota too much trouble."

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say." She hugged him back. "And you, stay safe Chancey."

He once again waited for her to drive off before he set out on his own way. Then he started the long walk back to his apartment.

When he walked in the door, it was five of one. He smiled as he took off the baseball cap and removed the envelope from inside the windbreaker.

'I love it when a plan comes together.' Chance went to the office and set the envelope on the desk. He would go through it later, when Fait was around.

Chance went to the master bedroom and picked out a set of pajamas from the closet. He also found a safe place for Genevieve's pin and stored the pajamas she had picked out for him.

Next he went into the master bathroom for the first time. It was huge and spacious and if he wasn't so tired he would have taken more time to admire it. Instead he showered, dried his hair, brushed his teeth, and went to bed.

Next chapter