My name is Lucifer and I fell from Heaven. Everyone knows the story in Genesis. But it's not completely accurate. But then again there are two sides to every story, this is just mine.
Lucifer the morning star light bearer bringer of knowledge. I am God's first born and only real child as I see it, this Jesus character had to be born of a human woman. I am all spirit. This interest in the human race is impossible. What exactly is it all for? You could ask me morning to night and I still would not have an answer for you. Perhaps God's greatest conquest? God's greatest pride? God's ultimate challenge? Personally I believe that every humans destiny has already been predetermined. This whole role playing scheme is just that. Playing a part in a role custom made by God. Regardless I am not the enemy that everyone portends me to be. I still love my Father and my Father loves me. In The Hebrew belief I am called the trash man, cleaning up the human waste that has proven they do not love God. I prefer that term to all others. I do serve a purpose and before I came to Earth, the Father and I decided that this was the only way to build an Earth to test its subjects. There is more to this story.
Everyone has been taught that I God's chosen was cast out of Heaven, some sort of dibble dabble occurred between me and Father. Some words were exchanged and dramatic events. I was blamed for trying to rule over Heaven and caput! To Earth I was sentenced. Gotta love the theatrics. What actually occurred was a plan to create a human race and find the ones who were worthy enough to enter the Kingdom. Unfortunately the only way to determine this was to give human beings free will. Freely they could decide Heaven or Hell. For the most part it's 20/80 with 80 percent destined for Hell. Hell is exactly what it sounds like, no sugar coating Hell and I like to do extra punishments for the most cocky. Temptations are the fruits of my labor and most everyone has their own personal obsessions that make it easy for me to pinpoint.