
No! I Don’t Want to Know!

Xie Shengjun and Keira were unable to keep their hands off each other. In the fifteen days that they were with each other, none of them wanted to leave home for any work. For Xie Shengjun it was like a second chance. Out of his frustration for not having met Keira for a month, he had got a tattoo right below his navel so that it reminded him of Keira every time that part was exposed. He would often wonder how a man with his kind of taste had fallen for a girl like Keira? But his mind would always work in favor of Keira and often he would feel that he is short on his credentials to be her husband. Perhaps that is why she left him… 

But when she returned, the attraction only grew multifold. There was no way he would let her go back now. He had decided to get her parents to the country. 

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