Chapter Four: When Snow Covers the World
*Six Years After*
The forecast said it was supposed to rain today; it snowed. It said it would be clear skies and sunny; it was grey and cold. It said you'd be able to see the stars, even from the city; there wasn't a star in sight.
Alex wandered the streets, underneath the flickering streetlights and flurries that seemed to never stop falling.
This night reminded her of that one. The one that would change her life, for better–of worse.
It was the first snow of the year, it had come earlier then expected, in the middle of August. The night was so dark, you could barely see your hand in front of your face. There were no lights, not for miles. All she could do was wander and hope to live through the night.
She remembered the white snow and the red that defiled it. She remembered the shouts and screams. She remembered the people–remembered her.
It was so like this night, quiet and lonely. Not a soul in sight. Not a whisper in the air. Only the crunch of snow under her bare feet and the panting of her breath.
Laughter broke her out of her reverie. That simple sound of joy reminding her of her freedom. No one had ever laughed in the institute, she didn't think anyone had even ever smiled. Not even a tilt of the lips.
She glanced over at the group of people. They were standing in the doorway of a warmly lit café, holding onto each other as if their lives depended on it. They wore thick winter coats, hats and scarves. But they looked happy. Like nothing could stop them from laughing, not even the cold. Their faces were flushed from the cold and their joy, huge smiles spread across their faces.
She just watched as they stumbled about, lost in a world of their own. She watched until they disappeared around the corner and into the snowy night.
She looked back across the street at the café they came out of. It looked... homely, and warm.
She rubbed her hands together and blew into them, trying to warm her frozen fingers. Shuddering from a gust of cold and snow, she shook her head and started across the deserted road.
Her footsteps leaving a trail through the fluffy whiteness that covered the earth.
Pausing before the door, she glanced inside. There were a few people sitting at small tables, their coats laid on the back of the chairs, cups of steaming drinks in their hands or before them. Some had small plates with pastries on them. Behind the counter stood a redhead smiling warmly at the customers.
Sighing, Alex reached for handle and pulled the door open, a small bell dinged as she stepped though and let he door fall shut behind her.
The redhead looked her way and her smile widened as she said, "Welcome to Beans and Bagles, what can I get you?"
Alex paused at the friendliness of the girl, before smiling slightly and making her way to the counter.
Her eyes lit up as she asked, "Well, I've never been here before, what do you recommend?"
If Nova's–Alex read it on her name tag–smile could've gotten any bigger or brighter, it just did. "Of course! I'd be happy to! Although I am a little biased since I bake most of the stuff here." She giggled and Alex smiled in amusement.
She turned around and glanced at the chalkboard menu hanging behind the counter before turning back, that smile still on her face.
"Maybe a black coffee and slice of glazed pumpkin bread? Does that sound good?"
Alex smiled slightly and nodded, "Sounds great."
"Really!" Nova exclaims excitedly, clapping her hands and bouncing slightly. "It'll be ready in just a moment, please, take a seat, I'll be right back!"
"Alright," Alex replies, turning to find an empty seat.
Glancing around the cafè, she spots a small table near the large windows displaying that day's special.
Striping off her heavy coat, she places it on the back of the chair and takes a seat at the small wire and wood table.
As she waits, she gazes out the frosted glass, watching the stars and occasional couple wandering the snowy streets. Her mind wanders with the cold, sweeping down the streets and through the trees, thoughts of the past flooding her mind.
The plink of a plate hitting the table snaps her back to the present. Looking over she sees Nova standing there, that smile still plastered on her face and a steaming mug in hand.
"Here's your coffee, black, and your pumpkin bread, glazed."
Alex smiles and thanks the girl before turning to her hot drink. Griping the ceramic surface, she feels the heat deep into her fingers, warming her hands. Sipping from the cup, she closes her eyes and relishes in the burning that follows the hot liquid.
She'd have to remember this warm shop for all those frigid nights she's alone.
And so the night goes on, Alex sitting in that single chair by the wide window, not feeling the cold of the winter or the ice of her memories. The moon shining white in the darkness. Twinkling stars winking in and out far above that little coffee shop.
* * *
So this chapter takes place six years after the present time of the book.
Don't worry, Chapter five will be back in present time and there is the possibility that it'll give a little bit of information into Chapter four, so be looking out for that! I hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter!
What do you think happened at the institute?
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know!! I need all the motivation I can get!