
Princess of Egypt

Author: Mae_sen
Ongoing · 19.5K Views
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Ana suddenly is flung into a fantasy world. She doesn't have time to recover before she has to face her worst enemy. Her Family. Now she has to brave the world to beat them. How can she do this?

Chapter 1The Beginning

I am walking down the street of the town I have grown up in; the street lamp flickers on and off, it has been doing that for as long as I can remember.

I see people crossing the streets and walking by me, cars go by, the sky is on the brink of sleep I can just see the small tones of blue over the black field. I look at the store that I spent every afternoon in on weekdays Griffith's Workshop.

The man in the window is putting out a new birdhouse, freshly painted and cut I expect. Then he notices me he pushes back his tangled dust-filled blond hair and his dark green eyes shine when he sees me.

My father waves me in and I walk to the door to pull it open, the bell overhead rings and my father comes to embrace me, he talks to me about his new craft and I smile just like always, then he grabs his coat and keys and turns off the lights to lock up.

We walk down the street and talk to each other like every night, mom doesn't trust him to get home on his own. I am fine with it I like talking to him, we walk to a crosswalk to get to our car and BANG!

It was dark out lit by dark lamps the car's headlights weren't on. The car collided with my dad. I screamed and the driver gets out with a phone in his hand dialing 911 I rush over to my father and shake him I take his pulse.

Then I sigh he was still breathing he still had a pulse I at least knew he would have time to get to a hospital.

Then a voice wakes me up it is my friend Jayden Taien "Hey Princess," he says in a teasing voice he called me princess even though he knew I did not like the nickname because it didn't fit me at all plus that is what my father called me. Then I thought back to the dream I had that nightmare for months after it happened. When we got to the hospital the nurses rushed him off to the ER he was in there for hours eventually a nurse came out and told me and my mom that my dad would be alright.

We had both sighed with relief, but the nurse still had that look like you weren't sure whether to tell someone something. Because of the car accident, my father would have back issues, but otherwise, he would be alright

"Hi Jayden." Ana sighed as I gazed at his coal-black hair and ocean green eyes.

"Hi Ana," Jayden said my wavy blond hair was tucked behind my ears, my pitch-black eyes are gazing at Jayden. Jayden affected people even in bad times they were happy he made me feel that way.

When I was around him I wasn't as sad like I always was anymore. I was sitting on my porch watching lamps flickering car passing by just like that night. Jayden sat down beside me

"How is life?" Jayden asked even though we both know he didn't care.

"Just the same boring, lame, with a side of huge melancholy," Jayden's face crumpled trying to hold back a smile his face was flawless perfect skin perfect green eyes perfect everything against my black eyes that made others scared and my hair that was blond it was practically white.

"Sorry for waking you up, but you looked troubled,"

"Plus it would be weird if I just sat there and watched you sleep"

I smiled "I was just dreaming,"

"The Dream that is a Nightmare," Jayden said I nodded and so did he. Then my hair fell out from behind my ears and he put it right back.

He was the only friend I ever remember he was always there. I laid my head on his shoulder and took his hand with his open hand he stroked my hair and I felt comfortable everyone was always making fun of us because we acted like we were boyfriend and girlfriend.

After a while we said goodnight and he departed. I sat there for a few more minutes thinking back to the accident. The memories were painful, but I couldn't remove them from my mind. The torment of that memory revolved through my mind for what seemed like hours.

Then I went inside and slipped into my bed and my dreams were also haunted by the memories I finally was able to concentrate on something else and eventually fell into a soundless and smooth sleep. In the morning I got my backpack ready and ate a bowl of cereal

"Ready for the first day of school." Asked my mother,

"Yep" I replied. It was my first day of high school. I grabbed my backpack and went to the bus stop. When the bus got here I got on, the ride was always torture, I did not enjoy riding the bus with so many people.

Too many for my liking, I was not fond of crowds. When Jayden's stop came he got on and sat down next to me, the ride was a very uncomfortable feeling, I didn't know why.

We both just sat there in silence. My brain was screaming at me to say something.

I just looked out the window at the rolling plains and the mountains and hills in the distance. When the bus finally arrived at the school, we filed off and all headed into the building. I was dying of boredom before I even stepped foot into the school.

When I got into the building I headed to my locker completely ignoring Jaden as well as all the others calling my name, waving, and smiling. I mean I did smile in their direction or just give them a half wave, but otherwise, I completely ignored everything around me.

I opened my locker and unloaded my stuff except what I needed for the first period. When I was done I shut my locker and turned around, a boy was standing across the hall, I wasn't sure, but I think he was looking at me.

I glanced around trying to see who he could have been looking at. When I turned around he was gone. Just then Jayden walked up and gave me a look of confusion when I didn't look at him, he looked around as well then looked back at me and finally spoke,

"Something wrong?"

I shook my head "I just thought I saw someone,"

"Okay well, let's go to class," Jayden said,

"Okay," I said and I walked away. After the second bell, the class started, for me, it was a math class. I didn't pay attention in class, but the homework was really easy.

Time flew by and then what felt the instant class was over. That was the way it was for the next few classes.

Once my fourth class was over I headed to the cafeteria and got my food. I got the enchiladas, I didn't usually like what they served all that much.

Enchiladas were an exception. I loved enchiladas. I sat at an empty table and started to devour my meal. Then Jayden came and plopped his meal down and ate alongside me.

Despite my love of enchiladas, I wasn't all that hungry. I just sat occasionally taking bites, but mostly moving the food around on my plate.

Otherwise, I was just staring around the room. Then I noticed Jayden looking at me "What?" I asked,

"Nothing," He replied his eyes smiling,

"So do you have band practice after school today," He nodded,

"And Delphi, are you going to ask her out." Jayden who was in the middle of chewing almost spat up his food all over the table. He looked so shocked I laughed so hard at the face he had.

"What! Why would I ask out Delphi" He questioned me with a menacing, but also playful tone? "She doesn't even know I exist."

Delphi was the most sought-after girl in school. Boys always wanted to be near her. She also was in Jayden's band class. She also happened to be the most beautiful and smart girl to ever exist. She also happened to be Jayden's secret admirer, I knew this because she asked me if he was single and if I could sneak some things into his locker from her.

"Oh yeah, she does she has been looking at you all the time and I swear she has an obsession with you. How can someone so perceptive not see that someone is in love with you." Jayden just smiled then said,

"I am not the first perceptive person to make that mistake,"

"Hey Ana, do you know that guy." He was pointing to someone behind me I turned to see the boy that I saw in the hall earlier this morning. He was wearing a leather jacket and he was staring again at me.

He waited for a while then he got up and walked over to our table and dropped a piece of paper and he continued to walk past us toward the exit. I bent down and picked up the paper.

It had writing on the back of it. I read the paper it read 'Meet me at the lake by the woods at 8:00 pm.' I just continued to look at it for a while and throughout the day I was contemplating whether I should go or not.

Finally, at the end of the day, I decided I would go. When I got home after school my mom wasn't home and so I grabbed a bag with my phone and I left for the lake.

When I got to the lake I saw that guy waiting for me. "You're here, good we need to talk," he said.

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