
First Customer

[Nimue has captured a Zone in your name. Due to her race and class, the zone is granted additional benefits.]

[Havale – Sanctuary of Magic]

All allies within this zone are granted the following effects.

Passive mana regen +150%

Magic Damage is doubled

Magic damage ignores 70% of resistances

During combat, Allies are granted stacking INT state equal to 5% of Queen's INT. A stack is granted every 20 seconds and stops at 60%.

Once per two days, designated allies can charge their attack with the power equal to 100% of the Queen's INT stat. (Can designate three allies for this effect.)

Reading this, Shiro couldn't help but feel the corner of her eyes twitch. She was still worried about what her maximum power could do considering last time her attack had completely destroyed an event ground and yet she could now designate three people to fire an attack that had equal power to 100% of her int every two days.

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