
Tower of Gaia

"So before I leave for the Trial of Gaia, mind telling me the current progress of the culprit who planted a bunch of the saplings?" Shiro asked since she wanted to know how much damage he has done.

"Well so far we have found signs of his meddling in around 29 towns spread throughout all of the sections. While it may sound small, you need to remember that this is essentially 29 corruption saplings that we'll need to deal with. And even if we kill them, they could transform themselves into pools of corruption instead. We'll need to take some special measures." Tricia smiled.

"Oh? What kind of measures are you talking about?" Shiro asked curiously.

"We'll interrupt the growth of the sapling before it can get to stage two and seal it away if we can." Tricia replied.

"What about after it blooms or is there nothing we can do after that?" Shiro asked.

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