
Athena and Aphrodite

"Sup, the name's Shiro." Shiro waved leisurely as Hermes couldn't help but force a smile at her attitude with a Goddess.

"Haha, I know your name. I also know that you use a bow that's been blessed by one of my friends. Her name is Asteria, you should remember her." Artemis chuckled.

She was a beautiful woman with silver hair that was tinged with a pale blue and her crystal like eyes peered into Shiro's with interest.

"Ah right, Asteria is the Titan Goddess of Stars right?"

"Well she is the Goddess of Oracles, Prophetic Dreams and so on but yes, Stars are apart of her divinity." Artemis laughed.

"So you said that the other gods are also making avatars to meet me right? Why are they so interested?" Shiro asked while making sure that she kept going up the staircase. After all, there was a chance that all of this could just be a trial to prevent her from reaching the top.

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