
To Taifu City

I make a rundown on our supplies for we are going into a big war once we arrived in the capital of Kamikaze City. We don't want to run out of essential supplies while we are in the middle of an important operation. That would spell a death sentence for all of us.

"Are you ready... ah, I don't think I have to ask, you have always been ready in big fights anyways," Queen Tanya chuckled a bit when she was about to ask me but stopped midway.

"Looks like we will be done with our little mission once we are done with this trouble. We are asked to repair the wind artifact and look now, we are not even seeking the lost artifact anymore and go directly to the main source of the problem..." Queen Tori seems to be still disappointed.

"What can you do? If the enemy who got the stolen artifact is most likely in the enemy territory, there is no point to search for them if we can just head there and meet with the guy immediately.

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