
Brute Force

A day has passed by and they finally come to a conclusion. I didn't bother to ask them what it was even though I am curious since I want them to at least surprise me with what they are about to do against the boss. They ask me for some supplies but the most supplies they took from my stack are the flashbangs and stun grenades. I remembered that I have given them those items since it is one of the useful things that are used to deal with the leeches if they try to latch onto them.

Seeing them grab a lot of them, perhaps they are going to use it for the boss? I don't know but if they did, I am curious about how are they going to use it. This time around, only Cath Palug and I  are the ones remaining on watching the situation.

"Why are you still out here, you little twerp?" I frowned at Cath Palug as he is still here without returning to the Summon's Area.

"Because I am in a first-class seat, you little sh*t," Cath Palug made a smug look on his face.

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