

The two elves continue to gather energy while Renatta continues to supervise the two. The more mana they take, the more the color in their hair has returned to normal as well. Because the rooftop is filled with pure mana due to the two gathering it to recover their mana, the rooftop is also making turning into a place where the elementals gather.

Elementals are what you call spirits. They are like little fairies of various elements but a lot different than Pixie. Despite being categorized as a fairy, Pixie is one of the Fey folk. Elementals are common in the Alternate World but they are not present in the real world. But due to the culmination of mana on Earth, it only made the elementals awaken. They are not that powerful compared to the ones in Alternate World but their existence now in this world also means that they are just developing and the more they developed, the more power they will possess.

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