
Preparations for the Final Battle (IV)

This is definitely not part of the past timeline. This dragon does not have its second phase as he died after being cornered and attacked by players. Seeing him turn from red to black gives me an ominous feeling. This guy was just holding back earlier and right now, it is now getting serious. Perhaps, things have changed or this phase is there but it just didn't get to activate after the dragon ended up being killed before it can recover.

If that was the main case, we would be the first people who will experience the second phase of this dragon.

"Be careful everyone! This is not looking good."

The dragon raises his left arm and a giant fin-like part popped out from his skin and then solidifies and turns into a giant blade. Before I can even say anything, my body reacted immediately and changed my Versatile Weapon into a Shield and Spear before deploying the shield to defend myself.


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