

After the celebration of the successful defense against the army that the Castellan brought to potentially siege the rebel's village, the three of us went to Alain's office to tell him we will finish the job. When we entered, Alain is cleaning his gear as usual. Although he didn't have a chance to fully use his weapon and armor, he never ceases to clean them.

"Alain, are you busy?" I asked.

Alain stopped wiping his sword and looked up. He wiped his sweat and stood up from his chair when he realized it was us.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't realize you guys entered. Come on, sit down. I am not busy, I will be preparing some beverages for you guys."

"No need Alain, we are not here to chat. We are here to ask permission if can perform a follow-up operation after the last defense mission. We want to finish the thing right this evening," Sigma bluntly revealed.

"A follow-up mission?" Alain frowned since he is not sure what Sigma was talking about

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