
The Wish (V)

I log out a bit and grab a chow before returning back to the game since a day cycle already passed on the game. Now, it is time to fight back. However, I am going to predict that this battle will be similar to the battle during the live stream of the Aquagius Continent Pioneer quest. With only us as the opposing team against an army, this is a clear overkill for us, and not only that but we don't have any chance to call for backup with players this time around due to how I accessed Aquagius due to the peculiarity and special circumstances of the quest that allowed me to arrive here despite the continent are still not on its official release.

This might not be the official Aquagius Pioneer Quest, but since the enemy is Lemis and her awakening form alongside her minions, that is just the same thing for me. Nothing new.

Now, time for the showdown...




"Are you guys ready?" I asked everyone the moment everyone is geared up.

Next chapter