
Nagoya Trip of Madness (X)

Chimera Hybrids are known for being an elite monster that needed to be killed multiple times due to how it has multiple hearts. Despite being an elite monster, it was treated by most players as a mini-boss due to how you need to kill it multiple times just for it to die and how it changes attack pattern every time you killed it. I haven't seen the monster in this timeline yet as I have yet to explore Sandurk a lot more but seeing the Chimera Hybrid in the real world seems different.

Once my Versatile Weapon is materialized, I carefully assess my situation. If this is a real Chimera Hybrid or not, I need to make sure that a battle will be as silent as possible. I am still praying it is not a real Chimera Hybrid and just looks like one since it is dark and the darkness is playing tricks on my eyes.

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