
The Unknown, The feeling

"Hello" The other voice says as Kevin sits up and waits.

"Oh , sorry, I called to ask if you was interesting for modeling Today, Bryce" The voice says and Kevin shakes his head, This dude thinks Kevin is Bryce so Kevin thinks.

"Man, I'm actually busy" He says as Ben comes out and he looks at Ben who sat beside him and he goes and cuts the phone on speaker and told Ben to be quiet so Ben does.

"Bryce, we need a Male model, Mark took the day off" The voice says so Kevin sighs, Heres the thing , Kevin has no emotions but he knows when to have fun and play the part.

"Sorry, call Mark to see if he can fill in, I'm busy man, or ask Tom" Kevin says as the man thinks.

"No we don't need Tom, how about you call Mark and than call me back okay" The voice says as Ben bits his fist to hold his laughter as Kevin thinks, this man don't even know Tom I made him up.

"I can't right now , Man, I'm busy, you call Mark" He says as he thinks of something and he goes closer to Ben and runs his finger down Ben's side as Ben makes a little groan like a girl and he nods , Perfect and he moves back.

"Dude, tell your chic , hey" The voice says as Kevin thought Just call Mark so I can know how that goes.

"I'll call Mark and than call you back Bryce" The voice says as they hung up and Ben was blushing as Kevin nods.

"Well that should be one heck of a call" Kevin says as Ben gets closer to Kevin.

"Wh..hy Use m..me" Ben says shyly as Kevin messes with his hair.

"Have him think Bryce was with his lady" Kevin says as he saves the number as Unknown guy. Kevin places his phone on the charger as he lays down and pats the bed as Ben lays down to and Ben was still blushing as Kevin turns on his side and he goes to sleep as Ben sees it's raining when a storm hits and he wraps his arms tightly around Kevin and hides his head in Kevin's back as Kevin turns over in his sleep and pulls Ben close to his chest and Ben blushes and holds Kevin as he has never felt more at home than he does now in Kevin's arms.

"Kevin, don't abandon me like they did" Ben whispers as he falls into a deep sleep along with Kevin. The next morning Ben woke up in bed alone as he looks around and see Kevin in a black pants and a white button up shirt but it wasn't button as Kevin turns to Ben.

"You finally awake" Kevin says toneless as Ben hides his face in the pillow as he was Blushed and Kevin takes the pillow and nods.

"Get up , your coming with me" He says as he hands him clothes as Ben stands and starts towards the bathroom.

"Hey Ben, why don't you change in here so I can button up your shirt" Kevin says as he was near the window looking out over the people and Ben blushes more as Kevin looked so good in the sun as Kevin buttons up his shirt and grabs his tie and places it on as Ben changes to his pants and places his shirt and he goes to Kevin as Kevin turns and rolls up his sleeves and nods and starts button up Ben's shirt as Ben felt this feeling that he wanted to pull Kevin close as Kevin hands Ben a black scarf instead of a Tie and Ben looks at it so Kevin takes it and he wraps it around his neck and nods.

"Suits you better" Kevin says as he puts his leather jacket on his shoulder and Ben looks at Kevin. How can The Angels send one of their kind down here Ben thought as Kevin fixes his hair and places on black shined shoes and hands Ben another pair and he hands Ben a jacket and nods.

"Let's go" He says as he begin to walk down the stairs as he opens the door to see a limo and the limo window rolls down to shadow.

"So kitten can clean up, Very handsome too" Shadow says and Kevin just walked out and held the door open for Ben as Shadow looked at Ben and Shadow had a angry look as Shadows watched him. Ben nods as he sits on the motorcycle and Kevin places a Helmet on his head.

"So your hair won't mess up" Kevin says as Kevin cranks up and he drove off towards the company he works for and he flys past cars like it was nothing and he reached the Company, The Sterling stars, He parked and got off and takes Ben's helmet and fixes Ben's hair and nods.

"Kevin, you work here" Ben says as Kevin runs his fingers through his hair and throws his jacket over his shoulder.

"I'm the artist of this company as well as the Second boss" He says as he walks towards the door and he opens it and Ben walks in with Kevin behind him as people welcomed Kevin and Ben notice all he did was nod and look at Ben when a redhead comes and hugs Kevin who froze.

"Yo, Kevin" The red head says as Kevin turns to Jacob as Jacob was smiling bright.

"Jacob" He said toneless as Jacob notice Ben and he gave Ben a glare.

"I didn't know you worked for my Uncle" Jacob says as Kevin shrugs and moves away from Jacob and goes towards his office with Ben behind and Jacob as well.

"Ben sit" Kevin says as he pointed to the desk beside His and Ben sat.

"Benjamin , your now my assistant" Kevin says as he sat and looked at Jacob who sat on his desk.

" Jacob?" Kevin says as he crosses his arms and Jacob smiles.

"See you later Kevin" Jacob says as he leaves as Kevin sighs and takes out his sketch book and finishes drawing Ben as Ben was taking calls and writing things down and Kevin finished as he gets told to Draw a logo for the Sterling Models and Kevin nods as he looks at Ben and he sees Ben actually is doing well on his on.

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