
chapter 2: what makes me a hero

*Hiashi was hit again by the slender fist of Aurmora, she hit him with rage. She stopped after the third hit, Hiashi remained silent not saying a word to her. She snarled as her anger grew by his silence. "How do you think that precious father of yours would react if I killed you and dropped the body off on his front door?" She said as she wrapped all but one finger from her right hand around his throat, he watched her growling. He struggled against the chains that kept him from beating up the woman infront of him. 

He growled, "You don't have the balls to kill me, or drop my body anywhere frankly. " He snapped, spitting a mixture of saliva and blood at her again. She growled with the action fueling her temper,  by his resistance to doing as she wanted it made this harder than it had to be. She stormed out leaving him in the room alone with Commando who was watching Hiashi.

Hiashi struggled against the chains that held him captive, he grumbled quietly with annoyance. Then he heard the door to the room open and slam shut, Aurmora came back into view a sadistic smile on her lips as the blonde villain from earlier walking in behind her with an emotionless expression on his features. Hiashi tensed slightly, as had already figured that this male had a quirk of Hallucination.  The blonde pulled out a chair setting it about ten inches back from Hiashi. The boy then took the seat hands clasped together over his lap his orange-colored eyes simply watching Hiashi. 

Then when Hiashi blinked he was home unchained his mother hugging him and looking him over for injuries.  Hiashi had some injuries to his chest and face but other than that he was fine. Hiashi hugged his mother glad to be home. As he was holding his mother he noticed his father. He pulled back from his mother,  "Dad, how did I get out of there?" 

"It was difficult but we fought the league of villains and saved you. "  Deku said walking to Hiashi.

Hiashi tensed his father wouldn't have told him it was difficult. He backed from versions of his parents. Then he heard Aurmora's voice all around him, the illusion of his parents were frozen in place. 

"Awe look at them aren't they darling?"  Aurmora cooed with a dark chuckle. Then she appeared beside the frozen illusion of Deku, looking it over.

"Too bad you didn't stay fooled for long. What gave it away?" Aurmora asked as she looked at Hiashi for an answer though as usual he gave her none. This only angered her more. She stormed toward him and he readied himself for her to come at him. she threw a punch with her right fist to clock his right cheek. Hiashi stumble back as he had been too slow to block her attack. Once he regained his footing he noticed her coming at him again this time her left fist clentched. Hiashi dodged and he kicked her back sending her flying into the wall behind her. he growled and began to walk toward her. she coughed and wiped her mouth as she got back to her feet.

"You son of a bitch" Aurmora snarled as she ran at him. He narrowed his eyes grabbing her outstretched left arm and flung her as hard and as fast as he could, causing her to go through the wall to his right. He watched the hole her body had made as she came stumbling back in her face contorted into a look of pure rage.

"Don't look at me like that… The heroes always win and you know that" Hiashi retorted as he shoved his hands into his pocets to appear as though he had let his guard down. Aurmora growled, "Stop acting like your better than me!!" she roared as she sped toward him and she punched him square in the face, or so she thought. 

Hiashi had his right hand clamped over her fist and he quickly twisted it and slammed her arm behind her back and he took her down to the ground. he was on top of her and he leaned down so he could whisper in her ear, "Come at me in a Hallucination or in real life… It makes no difference. You will loose either way." he then shoved himself off of her and backed up watching her as she was on the ground. 

After a couple minutes she stood up her eyes shooting daggers at him, "The heroes always win? Then why is it you are still with us chained up like the worthless dog you are?" she said as she stood up her blue-purple eyes watching him.

"It is only a matter of time before they find and rescue me. All I have to do is continue to deny you the information you seek. I will continue to resist you until my last breath. You will not recieve information from me...Aurmora" He said simply as he was watching her.

Aurmora growled and launched toward him, her fist at the ready, "You son of a bitch!"


"Have we found their location yet? Or where they are keeping Hiashi?" Deku asked as he walked into the meeting room of his Agency.

Ground Zero was sitting in a seat with his feet resting on the table his arms crossed his eyes narrowed as he looked at Deku, "Nothing yet. It appears that they were smart enough to pick new locations from where the old league was found."

"Damn it" Nature's shadow growled as she entered the meeting room, "I checked an old building but it was empty."

"I wouldn't be too worried about Hiashi he can handle his own, But I fear that they will kill him" Creati said as she was watching Uravity and Deku pace with worry for their son.

Deku stopped pacing and looked at her, "Your right he is strong enough to defend himself, in his training he has shown me that he gains strength when people underestimate him." Deku said thoughtfully, though that didn't change his concern that was still his son.

"The question is why him? Why was he chosen as the target?" Shotou asked as he was sitting in a chair watching the other fellow heroes.

"That is a valid question. Is it because his father is the symbol of peace? Or is it something else?" Ingenium muttered as he was thinking.

"I just want my son back safe" Uravity said with tears in her eyes. Deku rubbed her back gently and said, "We will get him back no matter what" He promised his wife.


Hiashi had slammed her into the ground again, this time harder than the last causing her to wince as her face hit the ground hard. Hiashi got off her and moved back again. Aurmora groaned in pain as she got up her right nostril was dripping blood as she wiped the blood off her face. Hiashi seemed to be un injured from this fight with Aurmora.

"I will end you" Aurmora snarled. 

"Then do it" Hiashi snapped as he watched her.

As a shock to Hiashi Aurmora vanished through a red and black portal popping up behind him and she kicked him sending him flying. He hit the ground and skidded a bit. Hiashi winced forcing himself up and he looked at her. She smirked, "Awe what's the matter Hiashi? Did you really think I was that weak and pathetic?" She said as she vanished through another portal.

Hiashi was looking around for her as a portal appears above him and she comes through and sends him hard into the ground. As he reached back to hit her she leapt back and into a portal vanishing. He winced and got up again.

"She can use portals… well that makes this fight a bit harder" Hiashi muttered as he was trying to think up a plan.

She popped up a portal on his right side and came out decking him then kicking him to send him flying then she quickly totaled to where he was going to land and kicked him again, sending him flying again as she portaled again getting into place to kick him again he turned himself in the air and reached his hand out to touch her.  She grabbed his hand but he managed to touch her with his other hand that caused her to begin to float in the air.

He kicked her upward and she reached to grab his leg but missed. She growled, "Get me down you coward!" She snarled and Hiashi raised an eyebrow, "Well if you insist" he said as he tapped the tips of his fingers together causing his quirk to release and she went falling down hitting the ground before she could open a portal, "Damn you!!" She growled as she got up.

Hiashi stifled a laugh as he looked at her, "Oh you didn't mean it like that, darn" he said and she huffed storming toward him and she went to send many attacks at him.  He was blocking her attacks and moving back from her to avoid being hit. She hissed in anger as she used a portal to catch him off guard. He winced as she clocked him in the head with her right fist and he stumbled back Tripping into her portal and she relocated the exit portal so that he fell hitting the ground. She grabbed his shirt jerking him up, "Now talk!" she snapped as she got inches from his face.

He was wincing as he was watching her, "No...I told you you're not getting a word out of me" he said as he clasped his hand over hers trying to loosen her grasp on his shirt. she tightened her grasp and she was growling, "Then I am going to make you sorry" she hisses as she snapped her fingers and she vanished as the scenery vanished and he was left in pitch black. There was nothing, no sound, no people, he was alone in dark nothingness. He was searching for something...anything.

Aurmora was standing beside the blond villain out of the Hallucination and she looked at Hiashi's empty body limp in the chains. she huffed and she said, "Damn brat keep him there until I tell you to let him go" she said as she left the room with Commando at her heels. She decided that it was time to go over the plan for if Hiashi continues to refuse to giive then the information they want. 

Aurmora walked down the dark hallway and she entered what looking like a meeting room. In the room was a large group of villains. There was Kimiko, daughter of Himiko Toga and Dabi, and a useful member of the league. There was Hikaru Mizuhara the male with the black spikey hair, his teal colored eyes on Aurmora as she entered the room. Then there was Hiroshima Utagawa who had messy brown hair with Crimson eyes, demon horns and bat-like Appendages. There was a girl with silver hair with fox ears, nine fox tails and red eyes. Commando entered behind her. 

"Hiashi isn't talking. It is evident that he has much more power than any of us had thought he had. So Let's talk strategy. He will talk even if we have to force it out of him. So suggestions?" Aurmora said as she took her seat at the head of the table.

The room was silent for severall minutes before  Hikaru cleared his throat and stood from his seat, "Well he has a younger sister doesn't he?" he said as he was watching their leader.

"Yes he has a little sister, Ayako. What about her" Aurmora said as she wanted to hear him say his plan.

"Send Commando and I to fetch the little brat. Snap him from Daisuke's grasp, and torment her until he talks." Hikaru said simply as he was watching Aurmora for her thoughts on the plan.

"Good plan but don't you think his parents would keep a closer eye on her after Hiashi being taken?" Aurmora pointed out as she sat back in her chair.

"To be honest I think they are more concerned about finding their son to realize the potential danger that small Ayako is in." he said simply as he watched Commando stand up.

"True.. Very well fetch the toddler and bring her in. Hurry up" Aurmora said as Commando went to Hikaru and the two left. she looked to the rest in the room and she said, "Let's begin to make a list of which order we will take the pro heroes down…" she said with a smirk.


Young Ayako was at her baby sitter's home playing with blocks. The young toddler was only three but she had an amazing vocabulary,  she knew right from wrong, she knew how to behave though her curiosity got the better of her most of the time. As she was playing with the blocks on the living room her babysitter was in the kitchen doing the lunch dishes. Suddenly Hikaru had made a hole in the babysitter's living room wall, stepping through it with Commando at his heels. The two looked at Ayako who looked up from her blocks after a piece of debris wrecked the tower she was working on. The babysitter ran in and flames collected on her hands as she got between Ayako and the two villains. 

"Get out of the way…" Hikaru growled as he watched a gust of wind blast her out of their way and Hikaru harshly grabbed Ayako's wrist. Ayako began to panic and cry as she struggled in his grasp. He jerked her upwards and she bit down on his arm causing her to throw her against the wall. She weakly got up tears falling as she ran as fast as her little legs would carry her. She was searching for help. Commando ran out after her and she screamed running across the street. As Commando chased her he was hit by a car and flung away from her. 

The driver of the car saw the three year old and hurried to her. It was a young man roughly in his twenties, "Are you okay?"

"T-that man hurt my baby sitter…. He trying to hurt me… I want my mommy" Ayako sobbed hugging onto the man who peeked over at the man passed out in the street. He called the police. As the phone rang Hikaru came out looking pissed. Dragging the babysitter by her hair across the lawn.

"Blast the man from the child" Hikaru ordered darkly. A giant gust of wind sent the man flying from Ayako, causing him to lose grip of his cell. The cell phone fell and shattered, Hikaru stomped down on it to make sure it was broken before he  threw the babysitter beside Ayako. The babysitter weakly got up.

"Ayako...Run" the babysitter said quietly.  Ayako was in tears but did as she was told and she began to run. Hikaru growled and began to run after Ayako but the babysitter punched him in the gut causing him to drop to his knees and she then brought up her knee to his face. Then she gripped her head and went in the direction Ayako ran. As she was stumbling along she dialed Uravity.

Hikaru groaned and he got up going to Commando and he harshly kicked him. Commando grunted in pain and looked at Hikaru.

"Get the hell up the bitch is getting away" Hikaru barked as he started to head in the direction the small child ran in. Commando grunted and got up as he did he followed Hikaru. 

Ayako had to stop after a few minutes of running she was panting and crying, worried for Chiko her babysitter, she looked back. When she saw Chiko stumbling a few feet behind her she tur ed around to go to her but Chiko shook her head and pointed, gesturing her to keep going. Ayako whimpered but did as she was told but rather than going straight like she had been she went right heading to mommy and daddy's work.

Hikaru harshly grabbed Chiko causing her to drop her phone face down. He was snickering darkly, unaware that a pro hero was on the phone.

"So you thought you could get that brat away from us? Please you aren't strong enough to protect  her" he said smirking tears filled Chiko's eyes.

"You think I'm weak? I think I am doing a damn good job protecting Ayako from you" she said as she pinched Hikaru in the face. As he let go of her she ran off going the opposite way as Ayako to lead them off.

"Follow her Commando she will lead us to the kid" Hikaru growled.

"Yes sir!" Commando said as he ran after Chiko.but rather than following those two he went the direction Ayako went. With in minutes he had Ayako in his grasp. Ayako screamed and squirmed in Hikaru's grasp.Ayako was biting as hard as her jaw would let her, but hikaru hit her into a tree hard enough to knock her out. With that he called Commando back and the two looked at the passed out Ayako. Hikaru called Aurmora who opened a portal for them. Once they were through the portal in front of Aurmora the portal closed.

"You already started damaging her?" Aurmora asked as she saw the injuries on the girl.

"She was fighting back" Hikaru replied simply.

"I see" she said as she looked over the small child. Then she looked up again, "chain her up in front of her big brother. Once she is chained up then we will snap him out of the Hallucination. " she said as she sat back on her seat. Commando smirked and nodded his head taking the small child and he chained her up in front of her brother. Shortly after Commando finished chaining her up she came too. That was when she saw her brother chained to a chair and bloody, "Hiashi" she whimpered as she struggled with her own chains she wanted to go to her big brother but couldn't. Aurmora walked in and looked at Ayako, "Look at that! The little cuties is awake! Daisuke let Hiashi out of your quirk I want him to see the little girl behind you… maybe he will be more cooperative." She said smirking.

Daisuke flicked his right wrist and Hiashi coughed and he looked up. He froze when he saw Ayako chained a few feet from him. He growled looking at Aurmora.

"Now Hiashi, cooperate or we hurt her while you watch" Aurmora said smirking. 


"CHIKO?! IS EVERYONE OKAY?! " Uravity asked into the phone then the line had gone dead and she rushed out to go make sure that Ayako and Chiko were alright. Deku was on her heels. With in minutes they were at Chiko's home to see the living room wall busted, no chiko and no Ayako. 

Deku tensed and rushed out finding a running car parked in the middle of the street, with a badly injured front fender. He looked and saw a man against a tree. Deku hurried to him patting his cheek in an effort to awaken the man. The man groaned and looked up and he jumped a bit, "Deku! U-Um hello!" He said as he held his head.

"Are you alright? What happened here?" He said as Uravity walked up behind him.

"Ah well, I was driving a little girl ran across the street then some big guy with shaggy looking brown hair, super big muscles ran into the road after her. I hit the guy by accident but the poor girl was sobbing so I went to check on her and she said the guy I hurt hurt her babysitter and was trying to hurt her. Then some guy with spiky black hair told me to get away from the little girl then I blacked out after hitting the tree." He said slowly.

"Thank you for the information, Uravity take him to the hospital I'll keep looking for Chiko and Ayako" he said as he stood up. Uravity hesitantly nodded and she helped the man up. As she was helping the man Deku used one for all to begin searching a five mile radius for Chiko and Ayako. First he found Chiko's phone and after about three minutes he found Chiko on the ground badly beaten, but no Ayako. He began to fear the worst for his daughter, 'What if they took her? What are they doing to her?'

Deku picked up Chiko who coughed and looked up at him, "D-Deku...I'm sorry I tried to protect her" she said weakly

"You did your best Chiko that is all we can ask of you" Deku said softly as he carried her to the hospital. As Deku entered the hospital Uravity ran to him, "Okay the man is being tended too, Chiko! Oh my...What about Ayako?" she asked fear fully.

"I believe that the two attackers got her and she is more than likely with her brother." Deku said as he handed of Chiko to a nurse. Deku and Uravity went back to the Agency to discuss why they left in a hurry. As soon as they entered the agency Ground Zero grabbed the front of Deku's hero costume and jerked him close, "What the hell was that?! Where did you two go?!" he yelled.

Deku held up his hands and yelped in surprise, "S-Sorry but our babysitter called, though she didn't say what was going on we heard he arguing with a couple of guys and thought she and our daughter was in danger...Turns out we were right...Ayako was taken and Chiko, our babysitter was beaten half to death." he said making Ground Zero drop him.

"Now we have two missing Midoriya children, don't you have one more?" Ingenium asked worriedly

Deku nodded nervously. with out any orders Ingenium rushed and grabbed the last Midoriya, Izuka. When Izuka walked into the Agency she saw her mother and father pacing, "um...Are you two alright? What is going on?" she asked and her mother went to her, gently grabbing her arm as she lead her somewhere private. 

"Hiashi and Ayako were taken today… By the League of Villains… " she said to her daughter who was looking pissed, "Then why are you all here and not out there looking!"

"We have been looking they aren't using the old league of villain hide outs…" she said to hher daughter.


Hiashi squirmed as they placed a sharp blade against Ayako, "Don't you dare lay a finger on her!!" Hiashi snarled. His Squirming and jerking around got worse with Ayako's Cries. Aurmora smirked and held the hunting knife against Ayako, "Tell me what I want to know… Or your precious littlle sister gets a cut"

"You hurt her I swear to god I will kill you" Hiashi snarled.

"That's not what I want to hear Hiashi " Aurmora cooed as she cut Ayako who cried out in pain.Hiashi growled enraged and he fought against the Chains. Aurmora walked toward him, " Your not getting out of those chains and you know it."

"Is that so?" Hiashi said as she fot in front of him and she squated down to his level. she pressed the blade into his cheek, "Yeah it is so, you know this. I'm not a fool Hiashi I know that your smart like your father… " she said growling.

"I think your stupid like your father" HIashi spat as he head butted her. she yelped in pain and he tumbled on top of her, the knife jammed into his left shoulder but the chains slide up the back of the chair and he got loose. once the chains were off him he winced as his right hand curled around the knife handle. he closed his eyes tight counting to three as he quickly pulled the knife out and he stabbed Aurmora's clothed into the ground.

Aurmora growled and she struggled against it. Hiashi began to search Aurmora to find the keys to undo his little sister's bindings. he bit his lip as it hurt to move or use his left arm and hand.

Once he found them he quickly undid his sister's bindings. she held onto him crying quietly. Aurmora yelled for backup. Hiashi held his sister close and he backed away from the door as it opened. Hiashi knew that if they were going to get out of here alive, he would have to use his quirk. he set his sister down, "Stay behind me okay?"

Nervously Ayako nodded her head and she was standing behind her brother.  Commando, Hikaru, and Kimiko came into the room. Hiashi tensed up putting up his fists. Kimiko was up first, she walked forward she held out her right hand, blue flames rushed toward Hiashi and Ayako. Hiashi covered Ayako to protect her, not caring if he got hurt. Oce the flames stopped Hiashi stood up wincing as he moved. Commando rushed him slamming him into the wall behind him. Hiashi sucked in a breath and activated his quirk on Commando causing him float up into the air. 

Hiashi kicked him upwards, once Commando was up against the ceiling, Hiashi pulled his sister close and she deactivated his quirk causing commando to hit the ground hard. Hikaru stepped forward,  "bring the girl to me " he said

What appeared to be a gust of wind threw Hiashi away from Ayako and forced her to walk to Hikaru. Once she was close enough, he grabbed her by her throat and she whimpered. Hiashi winced as he looked up, upset to see Hikaru have his sister by her throat.

"You son of a bitch...Let Her Go" hiashi snarled as he stood up wincing as he did. 

"Nah I think I'll keep her, your much more obedient I'd she is in danger" Hikaru said with a dark sile on his features. 

"I said let her go" Hiashi snarled as he rushed Kimiko, who decked him only for her to be thrown into Hikaru causing him to lose his grasp on Ayako who ran to her brother. He picked her up and rushed out of the room. He looked both ways deciding to go left. As he was running he kept telling his sister it was going to be okay. After about thirty minutes he found the exit. He rushed off into a crowd of people and eventually he stopped and he winced sitting down.

A store owner near them saw them and called Deku's Agency,  "Hello? Yes I would like to report a couple of children. One is a boy with brown hair and green eyes he looks pretty badly injured...the other is a small three year old girl with green hair and brown eyes. Yes sir I'll bring them into my shop" the owner said and she went to them, "come into my shop I'll get you some ice cream " she said as she helped the boy up and she took them into her shop. Soon Deku and Uravity cane running in. Uravity in tears to see her children alive and safe.

"Let's get them to the hospital where Medic works " Deku said and Uravity nodded her head. They carried the children to the hospital and Medic got to work. Deku and Uravity paced the waiting room worried sick about their children. Soon Medic came out, "So they will both be fine with some rest. But could you come with me we need to speak in private" she said as the two hurried to follow her. She led them to a private room.

"They had barely touched Ayako. She only had a cut on her cheek. Hiashi however is a much different story. He had chain burns around his upper torso, a badly bruised stomach, a stab wound to his left shoulder, not to mention he was bleeding internally. They were torturing him. I healed everything so he is as good as new but I want you to keep an eye on him, maybe try and find out what they wanted." Medic said as she was talking to them.

"I see, thank you Medic for treating them" he said as she lead them to the room where she kept the two children. Hiashi was sound asleep while Ayako was watching TV. 

"Good job Hiashi...You're going to make an amazing hero " Deku said as he looked at his sleeping son.

Next chapter