
Connecting With Sanya

Both of them drank water from the tumblers. After that Dada ji went and sat quietly on his bed. Tania had been slouching on the bed, but had sat up to drink water. She now adjusted her position and sat in a crossed legged position. Thereafter, she closed her eyes and placed the back of her hands on her knees. She joined the tips of her thumb and the first finger to make an '0' shape.

She then concentrated on trying to contact Sanya. Soon she proceeded into deep meditation with the intent to make contact with Sanya.

Dada ji was watching her from from where he was sitting. He could see that she was in a deep trance. He was thinking how his granddaughter could connect with people in the past.

While watching, he could see her lips were moving as if she was talking to herself.

"Sanya !" Please come to meet me, I need your guidance. Dada ji saw that she was repeating these lines.

After some time another voice was heard as if speaking through her. "I am here Tania. I am always with you as our souls are the same." Sanya replied and Dada ji noted that her voice was different.

Then Sanya added, "You want to tell me that you are in India now and will be going to Rajasthan with two three day." She further added,"I already know that and we are definitely going to meet you in Kalibangan."

"Don't worry about your Igor Uncle, he is going to meet his past lives too and will get to know that he has not grown spiritualy at all."

"Be careful his tactics will be the same to listen in to conversation of others and a person who does that is born as lizard in his next life."

"Is that so?" Tania asked.

"I can't say, for sure, but this is what elders use to say." Sanya replied and added,"It is advised in all religions that people should not listen in to conversations as they hear only half and the rest they imagine."

"Anyway, do not fear, I will visit you when you stay in a hotel at Jaipur." Sanya added.

"By the way, your Igor Uncle has landed at the International airport and is clearing immigrations. He will be here shortly and I need to go with my husband to check up the cave."Sanya saying this disappeared..

Slowly Tania came out of her trance and looked at Dada ji. "Did I say anything?" She asked, tilting of her head and looking at Dada ji.

"Yes, Sanya spoke through you and I made a recording with the recorder of my mobile."

"Here, listen to what she had to say," saying this Dadaji pushed the phone towards Tania.

Tania listened to the recording and was happy. She knew that her ordeal of the past few months was about to end. Anyone in her position would have hated such a relative, but she understood that this was all due to some incidents in the past and they all were playing their respective roles in every successive life.

"Tania, I think you need to wake up the sleeping beauties." Dadaji said while taking back his mobile phone.

"You see, if I disturb your Dadi ji, she will fire me and it will be very embarrassing for you and your Nani ji. But if you wake her up, she will not say anything to you." He added grinning.

"Dada ji, are you scared of Dadi ji?" Tania asked looking amused.

"To be honest, a little and I think all men are...A man needs to keep the peace in the house, so to speak."

"Once you get married, you will realise that to keep the peace both husband and wife get to know what they can say and do and what they can't." he added.

"But dont worry, these things happen when you get on in years," he said with a smile.

"From what I have understood, it is the woman who normally keeps quiet in a argument so as not to prolong a fight," Tania thought out aloud.

"It happens both ways, in life one person is always more adjusting than the other, and normally women are more adjusting but times are changing."Dada ji replied.

"Dada ji, what do you mean by saying that time sare changing." Tania inquired feeling a bit intrigued.

"In the present generations no one wants to adjust each has his own ego as to why he/she should bend," he replied and continued,"This inflated ego from both side ruins marriages these days."

"OK Dada ji, message understood, I will go and awaken the sleeping beauties." Saying this Tania got off the bed and made her way tp the door.

"Inform the two ladies that I have ordered snacks and tea for them and they should be here fast otherwise the tea will get cold."Dada ji had informed her as she was leaving the room.

Tania made her way to the adjacent room, knocked at the door, there was no reply. However, as she pushed at the door, it opened inwards.

"I closed the door properly when I went, how come it is not shut properly now," she mused.

She entered the room and woke up her Nani ji and Dadi ji, informing them that Dada ji had ordered tea and snacks through room service. So they had better be ready for take tea, otherwise it would get cold.

Both the ladies got up and carried out face wash, combed their hair and were ready within 5 minutes to take tea.

Within a minute, they all landed up in Dada ji's room to await their tea.

Dadi ji, I had closed the door of your room properly when I came to talk to Dada ji, how come it was not closed properly when I came to call you just now?" Tania inquired.

Nani ji replied,"Actually..., I had kept the door slightly ajar so that you would not need to bang at the door, after all, your Dadi ji and I had gone into deep sleep as we were very tired."


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