
Past Life Regression -Part 15

The Doctor had taken Tania into a trance and soon she started to speak in a different accent. She informed that there was a lot to tell, like why Tania is meeting her Uncle in different lives and he always manages to murder her.

The Doctor asked her who she was and she responded that she was Sanya. He had wanted her to come and explain things.

She explained that Tania had had connected to her through meditation. She and her husband had spoken to Tania. Actually, Tania had traveled back into her time to connect with her in order to deliver a message that she should be here today to bring to surface certain facts.

She explained that her accent was different because she and her husband, Arun, had settled in Mesopotamia. He was managing the overseas branch of the family business while she helped in his business and she had built up her own business of jewelry.

She further added that as her parents were the rulers, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, so to speak. She enjoyed all the comforts of the royal family up-till the death of her parents.

The coronation ceremony was organised by her uncle, the King's younger brother. He wanted to usurp the throne after getting her married off to a friend of his who was the ruler of the adjacent kingdom.

Her husband, Arun, at that time was a regular visitor to their provincial kingdom of Kalibangan, as he would bring a lot of things from all over the world to sell in all the adjacent province. She had got to know him and they would meet often whenever he came to their province.

Their meetings slowly turned into love for each other and they could not bear to even think of a life in which the other was not there. But her marrying a commoner was not easy.

He found out from the adjacent kingdom, that the person who she was to marry, had hatched a plan to kill her along with the help of her Uncle.

Her uncle did not have her concern at heart. He was plotting her murder with the help of his friend. Once she was out of the way, he would get rid of his friend too. He would not let anyone in the murder conspiracy to survive. If left alive, they would prove a threat for him in the future.

After Arun had informed her, they decided to run away as there was no alternative.

After reaching Mesopotamia, they got married and she became a much happier person.

When they met Tania, she and Arun were about to set sail for Mesopotamia.

As per Tania's request, she, Sanya had given her assurance that she would come and explain things here in the session.

The Doctor was in a thoughtful mood and he then inquired, "Please tell me what this is all about?"

"I am sure you want to know why we are all coming down to earth and this uncle comes to kill the same person and how we can stop this?"

"I can remember most of my lives from the start onward whereas Tania has to move one life to the next slowly, as one has to recollect memories stored in your memory from ages."

'You see when we are born, we know everything but as we learn to speak, those memories start to fade and we start to collect new ones that we think are important. Once we die the balance is restores and we get to see our past memories and the important incidents of the present life."

"You see, when we ran away, I was innocent, maybe a bit revengeful."

"I did not want my uncle to use all the things my father as king had used. These included the crown his robes, his jewelry and the scepter that he carried."

"So, after the coronation, I did not return these things. Actually, I went to my father's chamber and took out a lot of his jewelry and rings etc and escaped."

"Arun, was not happy with my revengeful stunt. He wanted me to leave everything somewhere as we would have no use for it."

"Furthermore, he was of the opinion that if we even tried to sell any of the items, we would get caught and my uncle would hunt us down."

"Unfortunately, we could not think of anyone with whom we could trust the stolen goodies."

"Even if we handed them to someone, we would not be sure that he would not tell on us to get a reward or something."

"So we carried all the stuff on an extra horse and left."

"We found a cave a short distance from Kalibangan, and placed all the looted stuff inside the cave right at the back. This cave has not yet been discovered as we managed to cover the entrance with a boulder."

"We took the extra horse with us and gave all the horse to someone when we took the camels to cross the desert area."

"After coming out of the desert area we took a horse cart and reached the coast. The rest of the story I have already narrated."

"Something did happen in the cave?" The Doctor inquired.

"Yes, either the cave was magical or something in the jewels was magical or it was a combined effect."

"Actually, when I took the stuff, it never crossed my mind that I was stealing something from the family jewels etc. My intention was that this bad man, my uncle, who had killed my family members should not be happy as he had stolen from us by murdering my family members."

"Since I was crowned the ruler of the provincial kingdom, the entire stuff was rightfully mine and did not belong to my uncle."

"To get it, he needed to kill me as per his plan. Since I had run away, he was deprived of the opportunity of having me murdered as well as getting hold of the family jewels. The jewels comprised of the golden crown with embedded diamonds and rubies, various necklaces studded with precious stones, the golden embroidered red robe, the scepter embedded with a huge solid diamond that would put all the diamonds around the world to shame, etc etc."

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