
Chapter 12

Paola side.

It was the next day as I was walking around a little bit I seen a prince I walk up to him

Paola- hey have you seen Lexi and my mother

Prince- no put who are you?

Paola-I'm Paola the warrior

Prince&paola-golden dragons

Me and him laugh then I ask

Paola- when I was little I used to watch This dumb Movie it called miraculous and I wish they real.

Prince- they are

Paola- Walt what

Prince- yeah they are

Paola- please say your fucking lying

Prince- no but I know these is going to be a next war

Paola- next war?

Prince- yes

Paola- hey sorry for disrespect but what is your name

Prince- oh my apologies my name is Keith

Paola- hello Keith But you lying still

Keith- I live in Paris they are

Paola- I wish I didn't bring it up anymore

Keith- Paola you are a genius

Paola-what about

Keith- they should hell

Paola- you think they help with war if they only know what charmed is

Keith- They only do that for little kids but when there recording some crazy stuff happen

Paola- I'll listen to you because you know them more

Keith- haha I got your Provement's

Paola-shut up

Me and him laugh soon he pulled me for a hug

??-Keith That should be for princess not for ninja princess

I turn around and see Joshua

Keith- she been giving me idea that how you show your thanks

Joshua- well she a ninja not a princess you shake hands

Keith- she a member of Delgado Family in Orlando

Joshua- she stand out to be a princess

Paola- He is right

Keith- you actually agree to this

I stay silent and then Joshua pull me then I was being pull back by Keith then finally Someone pull me that was Keegan

Keegan- can you guys stop fighting who get to have there chance with golden dragon

They started to look away fast and I was said

Paola- Keegan have your sword

Keegan- no it in the room

Paola- same with mine

Keith-...I must get going

Joshua-my sister is calling...byee

They left at same time

Keegan- what was that about?

Paola- I don't know it been weird

Keegan- should we get going


As we walking down the hall way and head to hall way where all army was at

??- since you guys are our hero's I'm Noah the leader of Dres Van

??- I'm Jacob Leader If Philadelphia and the prince is Wilfred

??~I'm Alexander leader of orients and prince is Glenn

??-I'm Lucien leader of Altartia, the prince is Roberto

Paola- I'm Paola leader of Ninja

Keegan- I'm Keegan leader of ninja

Elaine- I'm Elaine ninja Married

Carter- I'm carter married to Elaine



Keegan- oh shit

Everyone drop there weapon

Kennedy- HOLD ON HOW LONG!? And also I'm Kennedy

Carter- we been married for a year

Keegan- you know when your married you can't be ninja having a remember

Elaine- At Least it not like miraculous they fucking want some

Jacob- Well they are coming to party


Noah- they find you and kadance there doing a welcome back

Kennedy- Paola I dare you to get Hickeys that night

Lucien- I always get the hickeys

Carter- I'm with my wife so

Noah- That when people get some


Keegan- Sweet I can I have all the princess but I only want one

Everyone- whooo


Kennedy- we should make a bet with Paola

Paola-why me!?

Kadance- I heard bet

Soon princess came in they went on our knees and KADANCE pull for me a hug

Kadance- so the bet

Everyone turn away

Paola- if I can get hickeys from Catnoir

Kadance- I want to bet now

Paola-WOW I was hoping you save me

Everyone started laughing and KADANCE said

Kadance- 2,400 if you get at least one and Keegan 4,000 if you can get with Alexa

Soon me and him started laugh and accept it

Kadance-I don't think lady bug will be there but the real herself

Paola- ain't they dating

Noah-3,000 for my bet

Paola- you guys ughhhh

They laughing soon when it got dark

Noah-we For real talk about business tomorrow everyone rest

as soon when I went to my room I laid down and fell asleep

Next chapter