
Chapter 12: GUDAGUDA Honnoji Begins!


Issen's breathing came out as pants as be wiped away the sweat that built up from his training. Lately he's been thinking about some new things that he can perhaps impliment into his fighting style.

Absolute body control.

The absolute body control would allow Issen to do things like momentarily giving up hearing or seeing color to enhance other senses. For example, he can give up seeing color to enhance his visual perception.

Of course Issen already had this enhanced perception with the sharingan, but what if he were to combine the two? He would be able to further increase his visual prowess!

Issen also plans on recreating something similar to Ikki Kurogane's Ittou Shura and his sword techniques.

Ittou Shura is basically repressing your natural instinct in survival and bringing out all of your strength at once.

For example, when somone says they'll sprint 100 meters at full power, they still have energy afterwards to stand. If they really used their full power, then they should have fallen unconscious the instant they crossed the finish line.

Why don't they? Simple, because they are a living being. All living beings have a natural instinct to preserve their lives, no matter what they would give top priority to survival. No matter how much a person pledges to use his full strength, his subconscious would never allow it. Even if he expends all energy, some amount would still remain so that his body continues to function. This limitation was hardwired into living biology.

Because of that limitation, humans didn't normally use even half of their stamina, strength, or whatever mystical power they have. It was an absolute rule.

However, Ikki Kurogane found a way to shed that instinct, making him a 'Shura' for a single minute.

Issen plans to recreate something like this but capable of using it for a longer time due to the fact that his reserves are larger then Ikki's, as well as able to grow.

Issen believes that this just may help him open the eight gates, even if it doesn't it gives him a similar effect.

As for the sword techniques, those aren't too difficult to recreate surprisingly. Since Issen is the type of person that would study the move set of the characters he likes, he's able to recall how they did it.

So far he has already managed to copy Rekkou, Madoka, and Dokugo-no-Tachi.

He's also trying to learn Thought Acceleration and Memory Partition. Da Vinci had shown him these in an Atlas book that they have. Apparently Atlas is one of the three main branches of the Mage Association.

"*sniff* *sniff* Ugh...bath time."

After healing his muscles, Issen took off for the chaldea bathing area.


I let out a content sigh as I sat in the large men's bath, a towel on my forehead.

It seems that the male servants also planned on going to the baths as all three of them were already in here when I arrived.

"Still, I must say, your growing stronger at a rapid pace, Master." Siegfried said, looking impresed.

"Am I? It doesn't really seem that way though..."

"No, you are definitely more stronger then before. After all you can most likely defeat most servant here, minus Scathath, if they don't invoke their Noble Phantasm. The only thing you really need is more experience, and even the last singularity seemed to give you quite a bit of experience." Shirou stated.

Really? Well when I sparred Cu I did manage to win a few times.

Huh. Maybe I am growing a bit too fast. Is it because I'm an Uchiha or is the Limitless Body that God gave me?

Either way, I need to make full use of this! I'll up my training even more!


Familiar loud sirens suddenly sounded off, red lights flashing.

"What!? Some kind of intruder?"

All four of us stood up out of the bath, the other three instantly materialising their armour while I just wrapped my towel around my waist.

"Shit, why did this have to happen in the bath!?" I yelled as I tried to change quickly before running through the halls.

"Nobuuu Nobu!"




What is this, this chibi like thing!? The thing in front of me is certainly a chibi of some girl dressed like a military general, it even has a rifle!



I dived to the side, the bullet just barely missing me!

I hastily unsealed Kusanagi amd cut through another bullet while activating my Sharingan. It appears to be stronger then they look.

"Senpai! There's an intruder-oh, you've already found it."

Mashu came running down the hall with her armour and shield out.

"Do you know what it is?"

"No. This is the first time seeing this creature, the other servants are looking around as well."

"Really!? So this thing came for me then? What kind of luck do I have...?"

I sighed while cursing my luck. Of course that it would come to me, the one person that would be in the bath who can't materialise clothes on himself! Thankfully I can change fast...

"Either way, we need to take it down. Do you want this one, Mashu?"

"I'll take care of it, Master!"

However, before Mashu could even move forward, a girl dressed in a pink kimono with pinkish blonde hair passed us and slashed the chibi creature apart.

Its only thanks to my sharingan I was even able to see her! She's fast!



The creature let out one final shriek before vanishing.

What are these things? Some kind of new Pokemon?

"W-who are you?" Mashu asked the newcomer.

"Nice to meet you. I'm from the Shinsen-" The girl suddenly stopped before changing what she was going to say. "Uh...you can just call me Sakura Saber."

I deadpanned at the girl, having already sheathed my sword at my waist and turned off my Sharingan. Why did she even bother stopping right there? It's obvious she was going to say Shinsengumi.

I wonder what person history got wrong this time? I really hope this isn't hijikata. That would be weird in so many ways...especially after I watched Gintama.


Ah, it seems Mashu is as oblivious as always. What a sweet little girl.

"Yes, I materialized into this world to pursue that creature."

"Excuse me, but 'this world'? Do you mean that-"

"Wait, wait, man-slayer! Don't leave me behind!" I was cut off by another female voice.

Both Mashu and I went on guard seeing the newcomer. She looks just like the creatures, just not chibified!

"Sheesh, my normal self could take on those creatures no sweat, but this is rather hard on me..."

Okay, maybe she's just another airhead.

"U-um, you two are?" Mashu asked again.

"Hmmm? Me? I am the demon king of the sixth heaven, Nobu- No, demon, Right! I'm Demon Archer!"

"You both suck at hiding your true names." I facepalmed.

Both girls shifted uncomfortably at hearing that but didn't retort. Mashu turned to me with starry eyes.

"Senpai, you could figure out their true names just from that?"

"No, it's more concerning that you couldn't figure it out!"

"If I could interrupt, I figured out where that thing spawned. It's a different phase space that collided with chaldea. We have to destroy the source of the problem or else chaldea will be overun by those creatures!" Roman stated over the communication.

"I finished calculating the coordinates, hurry and rayshift over there!"

Mashu and I nodded at Da Vinci.

"Understood! I'll go over there with Senpai! Um, what will you two do?"

"We're hoping to do the same thing as you. Please allow us to come with you. Is that alright with you? Archer?"

"Alright, Alright. It is sort of our problem anyway and I grow tired of chasing after them..." Demon Archer perked up and grinned. "Very well! The demon king of the sixth heaven, Demon Archer will lend you a hand!"

I sent Demon Archer a dry look.

"...well, whatever. At least you two seem interesting." I shrugged after sighing.

We rushed over to the rayshifting room and Da Vinci sent us to the coordinates.


"Huh? Where are we?" Mashu asked.

The group appeared in the middle of a grassfield with a forest in the distance alongside some hills.

"It seems the Imperial Holy Grail lost control and created a separate dimension within this phase space." Demon Archer informed.

"Imperial Holy Grail...? What is that?"

"We can talk later, their-Oh, never mind."

While they were talking, Issen had already intercepted the coming mini-Nobu army that was coming after them.

"Phew. They're weak, but they travel in packs." Issen muttered, sheathing Kusanagi.

After Issen went back, the two servants started to explain the situation slightly. By the end of it, night time had already settled in.

"The grail is...out of control?"

"Yes. There was a holy grail war in our world, but the grail was tampered with by some strange technology. At the end of all that tampering, the grail went out of control..." Sakura Saber said with a apologetic expression.

"Unfortunately, I got involved in the tampering and my subconscious materialized. In other words, it's corrupting reality." Demon Archer then looked down. "Worst of all, it took away most of my power. While I was more of a last boss character before, now I'm a 0.5 star servant. In short, I got nerfed into a level 1 noob."

Issen facepalmed. "...so you're one of THOSE people..."

"I'm sorry, our archer is giving you so much trouble...." Sakura Saber bowed.

"No, don't worry...I have a feeling that these kinds of situations are going to be common at Chaldea."

Issen slumped down, a cloud of depression over his head as he thought of that. Seriously, what are the chances that a different dimensions problems would somehow enter their phase space?

"A-anyway, so those indescribable creatures is the manifestation of Demon Archers subconscious and powers?" Mashu asked.

"Y-yeah. I don't really get it, but that seems to be the case." Demon Archer nodded.

"How irresponsible..." Issen deadpanned.

"This has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry that you've gotten involved. It's basically all archers fault, so you can complain to her as much as you want."

"Hey! Don't just-!"

"By the way, I found this during the earlier battle. It appears to be some kind of...bowl? Perhaps? And a steel pot as well..."

Issen and the newcomers sweatdropped as Mashu brought out those two items out of no where. Since the three of them are Japanese, they clearly know what it is.

"Looks like the magical energy leaking from the grail copied what's 'valuable' in my mind."

"Valuable? A black pot and an old bowl. They don't look that valuable to me..." Mashu muttered.

"Mashu, don't diss on traditional Japanese items please." Issen sighed.

"Wait Mashu, can I take a look at them?" We Vinci popped up again, looking at the items. "Hmmm, hmmm...what is this? Such dusty looking things are valuable in the far East?"

Issen and Sakura Saber didn't look offended but Demon Archer certainly did.

"Rude westerners! Rikyu will punch you for not understanding the value in the simple and subdued!"

"Well, even if you claim that they're valuable...." Da Vinci trailed off as she looked at the tea pit again. "---wait. Now that you mention it, I am curious about these tea-set like things!"

"Your interested in them?" Mashu asked.

"Yes, while they appear to be old, unsightly, and dusty...they have a certain, indescribable charm to them...or maybe not."

"...Thats what she meant by 'simple and subdued'." Issen retorted before a realization struck him. "Hey, Da Vinci, can you intall Tatami Mats in my room?"

"The Japanese mat/carpet? Hmmm, I suppose so. It should be done when you get back."

Archer suddenly came up to Issen and took his hands with her own.

"You totally get it! Yes, I'll make you some tea later. Let's see, I'll rent out an entire temple...."

"I-in any case, let's go out towards the cause of the singularity..." Mashu interrupted.

Sakura saber nodded her head cheerfully.

"We somewhat forced your hand in this, but I hope we can work together well."

"Right! Let's go everyone! On to the journey that will unify this nation!"

"No, I don't think we want to unify it! We're basically aiming to crush it!" Issen retorted as the group set out to take down the odd phase space.

Sorry, short chapter. I just wanted to get the prologue part of the GUDAGUDA Honnoji event done with.

I've decided that I wasn't going to choose a particular sword style and I like the techniques used by Ikki Kurogane from 'Chilvary of a Failed Knight'. I plan to add more things from other series, but not too much as I want it to be mainly Naruto and Nasuverse things.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy the event. If you've played the game then this might be nostalgic, if not then I hope you enjoy.

Train_Heartnet_0767creators' thoughts
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