
You're very disappointed to hear it's me

Su ningmei went upstairs and lay on the bed. She covered her head with the blanket and went to sleep.

He didn't expect her to really fall asleep. When she woke up, it was already two hours later.

She opened her eyes and went downstairs to see if Xia Anlan had returned.

However, to her disappointment, she was still the only one in such a big house. Xia Anlan had not returned.

Su ningmei let out a long sigh of disappointment. She looked at the time. It was past four in the afternoon. The sky outside was as dark as night, which made her even more worried. This rain had been pouring for too long. The streets outside were like rivers now. She had no idea how Xia Anlan would come back.

She recalled that when Xia Anlan left, she had said that she would wait for him to come back for hot pot at night.

Su ningmei rolled up her sleeves and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

She hoped that Xia Anlan would return safely at night without any accidents.

Next chapter