


School had come to an end once again, and with it the beginning of the weekend. But that didn't mean a certain green haired teen was mentally fine. Izuku was the kind of guy to think too much of things, even as he could be seen walking pass the school gate and muttering to himself, which got some weird out stares.

"What do I do? It's all a misunderstanding."Izuku said to himself. "Tatsumaki and I are nothing like that. But men I wish I could have told them that before leaving the school. Now I…Huh?"

The teenage boy stopped when he felt a familiar sensation. This sensation wasn't just at one part of his body but all over it, before he was then levitated off the ground. It was then that the teen knew who was responsible, before letting out a scream as he was flown from the area and headed to a particular building that he was also familiar with.

Not too surprising Tatsumaki was responsible. The esper was currently by herself with her green aura activated, while standing in a new set of casual clothes. These clothes, of course, consisted of a black skirt with a white tank top underneath a green jacket, with her hair tied into a ponytail again and wearing black shoes.

It was obvious by Tatsumaki's face that she wasn't in her best mood. Hence, when Izuku was made to land on his feet, the teen only had a moment of confusion before the girl marched towards him and poked his chest.

"T-Tatsumaki?" Izuku said in mild shock.

"Talk, Midoriya. Now!" Tatsumaki demanded. "I came to that seaside park to save your ass and next thing I know I'm waking up in my futon! So if you don't want to end up kissing the street from a high place, you'll tell me everything!"

Izuku gulped with a terrified expression. There were times Tatsumaki was a good person, however that wasn't the case now. And though Izuku could refuse, he didn't want to test Tatsumaki's patience. Thus, with hesitation, the teen told her what happened. He told her about One For All and the reason he was at the seaside park and training for the power. The only thing he didn't tell her was All Might's injury and the reason the Pro Hero was giving him that power.

Unfortunately, there was always one thing bound to go wrong. Tatsumaki did hear him out, but it didn't take her long to let out a frustrated scream.


"I…I wouldn't say for nothing…" Izuku nervously said. He had winced when the girl had screamed, but surprisingly still spoke. "I actually thought it was pretty cool that you decided to defend me…It was…nice of you."

Tatsumaki shot a scowl at him. "I don't care about your opinion. Besides, I only did it because I don't like wimps being mistreated by those jerks."


"Hmph!" Tatsumaki snubbed and turned her back at him. "I call them jerks and attention-seekers, but the rest of you people call them…heroes."

Something within Izuku felt a sharp pierce. It was no secret to him that Tatsumaki dislike heroes, however that moment was different. Maybe it had to do with the fact that Izuku had met two Pro Heroes that were nice. As such, it then came to a mild surprise to even himself when he spoke back at Tatsumaki.

They're not jerks! And they're not attention-seekers!" Izuku yelled. "All Might is a great guy! He risks his life everyday just to protect and save people! I know I'm just a kid, but –"

"Sure. Whatever." Tatsumaki interjected. Then she turned to the teen with a dull look on her face. "I'll be honest with you. I don't want to hear some long ass speech about them because whatever you say wouldn't change what I feel. In exchange I won't try to change your opinion of them. To me it's a waste of time on both our sides, alright?"

"Uh…right." Izuku replied.

The teenage boy was taken aback by Tatsumaki's interjection. A bit of him had expected something much harsher from the girl, but he was proven wrong. The look on Tatsumaki's face clearly showed it, and as such there was nothing left to say. Tatsumaki, this time, levitated him and herself to the closest sidewalk before walking away.

"I'll probably see you on Monday. Bye." She said.

"Uh…Bye." Izuku said back. Something about Tatsumaki felt off, even for her, and he didn't feel at ease with it.

another chap

ZerefAstralcreators' thoughts
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