
Rin Krad's school life begins

Mr. Hita then says "Alright you two why don't you come in here and introduce yourselves to the class." A few seconds later the two people walk into the room and to the front of the class. It was at this moment that the faces on all the girls went slightly red and some of them started talking about the two boys, one even shouted "They're so hot!"

They are both handsome as hell so of course the girls would get interested in them. I don't really care for them that much but the one with the purple hair is quite cute, however I know that I will probably never stand a chance if I tried asking him out, with his looks he may already have a girlfriend, the other guys in the class are clearly a bit jealous and giving slight death glares to them.

Mr. Hita says "Settle down class, let's allow them to introduce themselves, you may never learn their names if all you focus on is talking about their looks and don't listen to them." Mr. Hita chuckles a bit at what he said and then the boy with purple hair coughs before saying "Hello, my name is Rin Krad and I'm 16 years old, It's a pleasure to meet you all and I hope to have a good time here."

After that it seems that the girls fall a bit more for him, his voice sounded so good. Once he's done with his introduction the other boy speaks up, "Hello everyone, I am Layson Crimson and I'm 16 years old as well, It's nice to meet you all." His voice was great too and the girls liked him even more as well, just like with Rin when he spoke up.

Mr. Hita then says "Alright then, you two can go find your seats now." It was at this moment that all the girls started offering up their seats, but the boys ignored them and kept walking. The only one who didn't act like this, was me, I don't ask them to come sit next to me because I could tell at a glance that all the people asking them was annoying to them.

To my surprise, Rin and Layson walk up next to my desk and then Rin says "Do you mind if we sit next to you?" I say "N-No not at all go ahead." I stuttered a little because I wasn't expecting them to want to sit next to me. The other girls all look a little disappointed and then return to talking among themselves after seeing that Rin and Layson sat in the two empty desks next to me.

Layson says "It's nice to meet you, whats your name?" I say "Ah, my name is Sarah Conas it's nice to meet you too." Rin then says "Thank's for not asking for us to sit next to you, it was getting quite bothersome when everyone started to do that, you probably read the situation and knew that right?" I say "Yeah that's right, I'm used to paying attention to the expressions of others."

That said, something feels...off about Rin, it's as if he isn't feeling anything right now, or I guess it feels more like he can't feel anything right now, I brush it aside because it's probably nothing serious. Rin says "I was an adventurer for a little while but then I realized that it wasn't really cut out for me, what do you want to do as a job or profession?"

I say "Ah, actually I'm an adventurer right now, I'm a swordsman, though I only go for the easier monsters right now such as slimes and things like that." Rin says "Ah, I see, well I used to be a mage when I was an adventurer." I say "Wow, I wanted to be a mage but my class ended up being swordsman."

Rin says "Trust me, being a mage is tough, even if you became one it may take a long time for your body to actually grow used to using your magic particles." I nod and say "Yeah, you're probably right." I then say "So where are you from?" Rin sighs and then says "Ah, actually I don't wish to talk about that in front of all these people, who knows what would happen if they heard where I live."

I think understand what he means, the girls might try to bother him a bunch by going to his house and asking him on dates and stuff, meanwhile the guys will probably just try to beat him up or something outside his house. I then say "Alright then, that's fine." After I say that the bell rings and it's time for my first class of the day I say goodbye to Rin and Layson and head to my next class.

Meanwhile in the opposite direction of where Sarah went, Me and Layson are about to begin our first class. The first class we have is about monsters, it's supposed to teach us about different types of monsters and their nature, as well as some other things. Once we get in the room and to our seats Me and Layson talk for about 5 minutes and then the bell rings and the teacher speaks up.

The teacher's name is Mrs. Yuna and she researches monsters quite a bit, apparently she used to be an adventurer back in her younger days. Mrs. Yuna speaks up and says "Alright, today we will be learning about the intelligence level of monsters, ranging from a slime, to a vampire." I look at Layson for a moment and we both grin, laughing quietly a bit so no one hears us.

It's funny because he's going to learn about his own intelligence, even though he already knows of it. Mrs. Yuna takes the whole class period explaining each monster's intelligence for the ones that live in the basic areas of the land of Satoos. I'm glad I have this class, because the knowledge from it may help me in the future for communicating with monsters.

Once the first class is over it's time for us to go to our next one, one that I am actually looking forward too quite a bit. Swordsmanship class, this is one of the things I needed really badly since I need to get the hang of using a sword. Once we get there we train in the basics of swordsman ship for the entirety of the class, though I already knew most of that stuff, so it was pretty easy.

Tomorrow we will probably train in something else instead of the basics. That class flies by pretty fast and before we know it, it's lunch time. We head to the cafeteria and Layson grabs some food while I just go sit at one of the tables without grabbing anything. Layson comes over to the table with his food and says "Lor-, I mean Rin, Aren't you going to get something to eat?"

I say in a low voice "I can't eat nor taste anything anyway so what's the point?" Layson then smiles and says "But you have a humanoid body now, doesn't that mean that you should be able to?" We just sit there at our table staring at each other in silence for a few moments, then I turn my head slowly towards the counter where the lunch lady is serving everyone their food.

Then I look back at Layson, then back at the counter, and back at Layson again, I do this a few times before standing up slowly, with my hands still on the table, and my eyes closed. I then open my eyes slowly, and grin acting as though I am happy, even though I'm not since I'm unable to be, I then turn my head slowly back at the lunch lady behind the counter again.

Then I say to Layson, "Ahem, I'll be right back." It's at this moment, that I dash as fast as I could to the lunch counter all whilst screaming "FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" Everyone turns around and looks at me surprised, some even laugh a bit at what's happening. Once I arrive at the counter the lunch lady says slightly startled,

"W-What is it that you would like young man?" I take a moment to catch my breath after how fast I ran and then I say calmly and politely "Please give me one of everything." The lunch lady says "Alright, give me a moment." A minute later I am walking back with a tray full of food and sit down at the table with Layson once again.

I then eat my food savoring every bite, and once I'm done I say to Layson quietly "Ah, it's so good to be a humanoid again." Once lunch is over it's time for another class that I'm looking forward to quite a bit, that class is magic class. It's a class that will go over mostly everything involving magic to students so that they know how to handle it if it's used against them or how to use it themselves.

The teacher of this class used to be an adventurer as well, just like Mrs. Yuna, except this teacher used to be a mage, his name is Mr. Truma, once class begins he says "Today we shall be learning about Nuazs, otherwise known as magic veins, so everyone please open your text books to page 240 and follow along as I read to you."

We do as he says and he begins to read "Nuaz is a vain that exists in most creatures making them able to use magic, Nuaz can grow stronger and able to hold more magic particles as long as the creature trains enough or uses magic often, however if the creature uses a spell that their Nuaz can't handle, it will place a great strain on their body and if they don't stop, then it may burst their Nuaz."

He pauses for a moment then continues "If the Nuaz on a creature bursts, then their magic particles will flow around rapidly within their body and will end up turning them to ash about 30 seconds after the Nuaz has burst depending on the size of the creature, the larger the creature then the longer it will take for them to turn to ash and die."

He pauses for a moment then continues "Most humans turn to ash about 20 seconds after their Nuaz has burst and there is currently no way to prevent a creature from turning to ash once their magic particles begin to flow throughout their body due to their Nuaz bursting." He sighs and then says,

"However many people have theorized that if one can somehow extract the magic from the creature that's Nuaz burst then it might save them, although it would mean it wouldn't be able to use magic again if the extraction succeeded due to them not having any Nuaz to generate or store magic particles anymore."

After 30 minutes the class ends and it is finally time to go home, I then go get Lucy and we get back in the carriage and begin the ride back to the manor. Meanwhile somewhere in a dark void what appears to be a demon made entirely out of purple mist except for a few features on its body like the claws, horns, and teeth, is sitting in a bedroom at a table with someone.

The mist demon says "Hmm, so how have you been lately Darkious?" The person who the mist demon is speaking to is none other than the shadow man himself, what the mist demon just called him is actually his name, Darkious. Darkious says "Ah, I've been doing great, other than the fact that I can't really interact with the outside world for long periods of time."

The mist demon lets out a booming laughter a bit and then says "Well you got lucky, I'm the one who hasn't even seen the light of day at all, the only time I could see into the world was when that small portal opened when I gave that man a humanoid body as per his request." Darkious then says "Anyway, so how have you been lately Shadow Beast?"

The Shadow Beast then says "Ah, actually I've been getting quite excited lately knowing that eventually I'll be able to enter into the world." Darkious rubs the back of his head and then says "Yeah, I know what you mean, anyway, I'm here to ask you about something regarding his spells utilizing darkness and also ones using this place since you know more about this place than I do."

The Shadow Beast puts on a more serious expression and then says "What would you like to know?" Darkious then says "I've seen that he is very, VERY, slowly dying from something that seems to be connected to this place ever since he got his first spell, do you know anything about that?"

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