
Chapter 3

Dei was fixing her luggage when Athena and Charmaine went inside the room where she would stay for two weeks. Athena gave Dei a hug and thanked her for staying in their house for at least two weeks.

"I want to make things clear with you, sweetie. Not because I agreed to stay here, I'll be getting special treatment. I don't want that. Also, remember that this trip is about work. But your birthday does not count. I already block that day because I want to spend your birthday with you. Are we clear about that Athena? I am here because of you and you alone." Dei said.

"I understand Mom. Thank you very much. You made me thrilled." Athena said while hugging Dei.

"My work starts tomorrow. What do you want to do now? Would you like to go malling?" Dei asked.

"Let's just stay here, Mom. I am so tired and all I want to do now is to rest. We had a very early flight and I could not sleep in the car because Athena never stops talking." Charmaine requested

"I don't mind staying here. There are so many things to talk about anyway, right Mom?" Athena said.

"Sweetie, it's been a long time since we had that long chat. I love to do it again, so let's just stay here then." Dei said.

"Thanks, Mom. This is such a great day. I am having breakfast with the family, but this time there will be lunch and dinner. Let's have a movie marathon too Mommy, just like before, the four of us." Athena suggested.

"Let your Dad stay out of this. He is a busy man so let the plan be for the three of us only." Dei said.

"It's okay Mom, Daddy took a day off at work today." Athena said.

"How many times will I tell you not to bother your dad about this? Mary Charmaine didn't I tell you this. As much as possible I don't want to disturb him." Dei reacted.

"Relax, Mommy, you are bothering no one. I did not tell Dad not to report for work today. That was his decision and I can't do anything to stop him." Athena said.

"I think there is nothing wrong with having Dad in our movie marathon. That was what we used to do before, right Mom?" Charmaine asked.

"Girls, how many times will I tell you to stop scheming on getting your dad and me back together?" Dei said in frustration.

"Mommy please, Athena and I are only asking for lunch, dinner, and a movie marathon with you and Dad. We are not asking you to get back together." Charmaine clarified.

"How sure I am that this is not a scheme? Didn't I tell you not to bother your dad about this trip?" Dei asked.

"I told him that, but he insisted to pick you up at the airport. Also, he did not tell me about him taking a day off today. He told me about it when we are waiting for you at the airport." Athena explained.

Dei looked at Charmaine as if accusing her of something "I told him that too." Charmaine said.

"Mom, can we just go with the flow? No one is scheming on you and Dad to get back together." Athena requested.

"Okay, let's just do it this way, Mommy. I will tell Daddy our plan for today. If he does not want to join us, Athena and I will not force him to join us. But if he agrees on joining us, let's just have fun together with him." Charmaine suggested.

"That's a fair deal, Mom." Athena seconded.

Dei took a deep sigh in surrender to the girls. "Fine, you won this time. You may tell your dad about our plan for today."

"Tell me what?" The three girls looked at where the voice came from, and they saw Richard standing at the door of Dei's room.

"Were you eavesdropping? How long have you been there?" Dei asked Richard.

"I am not eavesdropping. I just passed by your room and heard you talking about something you need to tell me." Richard replied.

"Tell us the truth, how much of the conversation have you heard?" Dei asked.

"I am telling the truth. I just heard Athena saying about a fair deal. Then you told them to tell their dad." Richard explained.

"Nothing special Dad, Athena, and I asked Mom to have lunch, dinner, and a movie marathon with us. We don't want to go out anymore, Dad. Mom and I are both tired. We were wondering if you would like to join us in this little adventure." Charmaine explained to Richard.

"Am I invited?" Richard asked Charmaine though he was looking at Dei.

"Dad, it would be great if you could join us." Charmaine replied.

"But, we know that you are a busy man, you don't have to do this if ...." Dei said but Richard interrupts her "I would not miss it for the world, even if I am not invited, I'll still insists on joining you. You know how insistent I am Dei." Richard said.

"So it's settled then, the four of us are staying here for the day." Charmaine said.

"But Richard, this does not mean you could not attend to your work once there is an emergency. It's okay if you prioritized your work, we will understand." Dei said.

"My people know what to do in case of emergency. I pay them to do that for me. So what shall we do first?" Richard asked and excitement is all over him.

"Can I get a nap first? I woke up so early for this trip and I haven't had a decent sleep." Charmaine said.

"Okay, sweetheart, get some rest while Mommy prepares our favorite food for lunch. We will start the movie marathon after lunch." Richard said.

"Wait, a minute. I don't remember that cooking your favorite food is part of the itinerary. Ms. Fely will take care of that." Dei complained.

"But your cooking skills is far better than Ms. Fely's, at least just for now. Please cook that dish for us. Athena misses it. I'm sure of that." Richard said.

"As far as I know, this is the girls idea, and we invite you only. Why are you the one organizing this bonding time?" Dei said, smiling.

"That's only a suggestion." Richard said.

"It does not seem a suggestion to me Mr. Richard Reyes, Jr." Dei said.

"I agreed with Dad, Mom. I miss that dish you often cooked for us." Athena said then hugs her mom.

"So someone's taking sides already. How about you Mary Charmaine, to which side are you in?" Dei asked, smiling.

"I am not taking sides, Mom. All I wanted is to rest and ..... see my Mom smiling that way again. You got the most beautiful smile, Mommy. It gives an additional glow in your eyes. Is that because of my dad?" Charmaine teased.

"No, stop saying nonsense, Mary Charmaine." Dei said then walked out of the room.

"Oh my goodness, Mommy already annoyed. Where are you going Mom?" Athena asked.

"Isn't it you want me to cook for lunch? I cannot do it here, in my room, the kitchen if the proper place for it with Ms. Fely." Dei said.

"Thanks, Mom." Athena exclaimed.

"You'll pay for this sweetie. I'll get even." Dei replied before she walks to the kitchen.

"Girls, please stop bullying your mom. I want her to have a peaceful vacation here." Richard reprimanded his daughters.

"Admit it Dad, you like it when we bullied her because it always ended up to your benefits." Charmaine said.

Richard just smiles and the three of them had a high five.

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