

Raine just gave birth to their second child and Torak just threw a party for the little princess last night, thus almost all the members from nearby packs came to visit them.

After the great war ended, resulting in decreasing their numbers significantly, there were not many packs that were left. It would not be exaggerating to say that sixty percent of the total of the packs under Torak had been wiped off.

It was a great loss for them, but on the other side, they could coordinate with one another more efficiently, since there were not many of them.

Therefore, when last night Torak threw a party for his little daughter, almost all the representatives from every pack came and those people were just enough to be accommodated in this place.

Calleb, like usual, drawn himself away from the commotion, since it was a little bit overwhelming for him. He himself didn't know when he started to act this way.

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