

People screamed and shouted and some of them even tried to run away from the place, afraid that it was a bomb or some kind of terrorist attack.

There was no way that a more than hundred-years old library building could suddenly collapse and in an instant, be flattened.

Commotion started to get loud as everyone tried to get away, running in different directions while keeping their family together. Raine stood there, flabbergasted and motionless.

Serefina and Raphael were standing on each of her side, staring at the same direction, their eyebrows furrowed.

"Raphael…" Raine held her breath when she spoke. "… Is that… the library that we were in?" Her question sounded unbelieving in her ears as she said it.

"Yes, it was." It was Serefina who answered this for Raine.

"Then, how about Torak?" Raine could feel her blood rushing in her veins. She was too antsy even to stay quiet like Raphael and Serefina. "We have to save him! We have to find him!"

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