

Mrs. Martha came after Torak, and Raine returned from lunch. And then, she apologized for being late. She said the car had gotten into some unfortunate flat tire event. She didn't stop there, she continued her story.

She explained how the driver took a different route than usual, and because the street was a secluded place, she couldn't find a taxi, or any other transportation alternatives. So, she had to wait until someone came and to get the tire changed.

Where exactly did Torak ask the driver to go?—Raine wondered inside her head. She glanced at Torak, who seemingly didn't pay any attention to Martha's words. He was busy with his documents, and phone calls again. 

"I am sorry for it, Raine." Mrs. Martha said while pulling out some books from her bag. 

"It's not your fault Mrs. Martha." Raine grimaced. This is Torak's fault. She wanted to say that, but instead… "Let's start, shall we?"

"Right." Mrs. Martha agreed.

Next chapter