

I hope

It's always your arms, I fall into

Whenever I fall down in my life



The white Lycan flashed before Raine's eyes and suddenly everything turned blurry when he bit down the man's shoulder, digging the flesh of that man with his long and sharp canines akin to a razor blade. Along with that, the Lycan turned its body until all Raine could see was the back of the white Lycan, preventing her from witnessing the worse unsightly scene that was about to happen. 

Raine was still lying on the floor, hugging herself for protection.But this time, she stayed still and looked straight.

In her current position, the scope of her vision was limited since all that she could see was only the white fur of the Lycan. But she could only sigh in gratefulness.Because she wasn't brave enough to see directly what Torak was doing to that man with her own eyes.

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