

All the shadow warriors underwent preparations for the approaching war. Lyrus's warning wasn't a trifle matter, as he would mean his every word. The war would absolutely happen.

Between the preparation, Aeon made time to go back home and checked on Raine's condition.

He remembered that he had locked the armory room, and there was nothing she could eat or place for her to lay down inside that room.

He opened the door, and walked through the gloomy corridor before he stopped in front of a mahogany door, where he had locked Raine inside.

He fished out the key from inside his shoes and with the clicking sound, he pushed the door open, but before he could step inside the room, he felt a piercing pain stabbed his chest.

As Aeon looked down, his eyes met with Raine's fearful eyes, but there was determination that burnt in them. And when he drifted his eyes, he saw that the little girl just stabbed him with the dagger that he made.


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