
A new life

3.00 AM

The sky was dark and cloudy, hiding the moon and the stars. There was a heavy thunderstorm raging in that area - an unusual one on a summer night. Without moonlight the place was pitch black, no way to see what's in front of us.

There was a rustling noise of leaves as a silhouette of a man was running in fear, without knowing where he was going. He ran as if he was being chased by something horrifying. But.. there was nobody behind him. No one was chasing him.

As he was running, his foot got twisted and he fell on the ground. He somehow got up, trembling with fear. His foot was hurt yet he limped and tried to run. Suddenly he felt like something grabbed his one leg. Before he could figure out what was happening, his silhouette was nowhere to be found.

He opened his eyes slowly. Only to find himself trapped inside a box. He tried to look around and it seemed like a... coffin. He was being buried alive! He knocked hardly on the coffin and started screaming for help.

Seconds passed. It was getting harder to breathe. Suddenly a hand came approaching his face from behind. The hand was merely bones covered by skin. It was dark with long finger nails that had blood on its tips. His eyes widened with terror, he screamed louder as the hand closed his mouth and tightened its grip.

Above the ground.

The scream slowly got reduced into a muffled voice and vanished into thin air. Eventually the sound of knocking on a wood stopped too.

A few months ago.

It was a bright day. The sky was as clear as a crystal. The sunshine was giving away a warm feeling.

"Turn left on the 24 hwy road", said the voice navigation.

"Do we really need to move here?", William frowned.

"Well there's no point in talking about this now. We are gonna reach there soon! ", Dawn replied casually.

"I know you are happy because you had no friends back there. It's not the same for me."

"You don't know anything. I.. I had friends too.", Dawn stammered.

"Ha ha really?",Will asked in a mocking tone.

"No one could be your friend for long because you are creepy.", He added

"Just because I like spooky things doesn't mean that I'm creepy!"

"Well you are creepy. At least you are weird. You don't even like pink like other girls do."

"What does liking pink have anything to do with being weird?"

Dawn continued,"You know what? It's sad that your girlfriend broke up with you because we're moving but you must stop frowning about it."

"You just shu-" Before he could finish the sentence Sara shouted,"Enough!"

She continued,"Why do you kids keep quarrelling about everything? "

"But mom he started it!"

"No. She did"

"I don't wanna know who started it. Just stop fighting for everything.",Sara said in a worried tone.

"Listen Will, I know it is hard.. moving from New York and all.. but you must understand our family's situation too. Your Dad is going through lots of problems and returning back to his home town might actually make a difference. Just look at the bright side. You'll get to meet new people.. it's a new beginning!", Sara said with a smile.

"But mom..", William dragged.

"Alright alright that's enough kids. We have arrived!", interrupted Ross.

"Welcome to Buena Vista", Dawn read out loud

(◍•ᴗ•◍) Hey everyone! This is my first ever story! I'm a newbie and English is not my first language. So please point out the errors I make and help me write better! Keep supporting (*˘︶˘*).。*♡

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