
Alfheim (2)

As she peered into the box, all she could see was a small acorn. 'This is my skill?' She thought before reaching out her arm and grabbing hold of the seed. Lifting it out, she looked over to Redland, and asked "What do I do with this? I'm not much for gardening or patiently waiting."

A deep creaking laugh echoed out, before the ent lifted its branches to its mouth. "Eat it," he creaked. Ilise pauses for a moment before lifting the acorn to her face. It may have been small but it was still almost as big as her head. How was she supposed to eat this? She sighed before attempting to bite the acorn.

It took the better part of an hour before Ilise could swallow the whole thing. She didn't feel any different yet, so she turned to Redland and asked him "Am I supposed to feel something or what? Because I'm not feeling anything." As she looked at her guardian, she couldn't tell if he was frowning or shaking his head.

The ent reached out a branch, brushing beside her face as he started saying ancient words. Words that held great power behind them, before the outstretched branch glowed and made contact with Ilise's skin. A rush of knowledge flooded into her skull, like catching lightning. She held her head as the information was seared into her mind.

Ilise the Pixie lvl 9

Might: 4

Skill: 12

Magic: 16

Health: 5/5

Racial skills: Invisibility I, Flight II, Pixie Dust I

Skills: Life Magic I, Stealth II, Regeneration I, -.-. .... . .- - .----

Spells: Faerie Fire, Entanglement, Minor heal, Plant Growth

"Regeneration? That's my skill?" She asked the large ent. 'What good does Regeneration do for me? Isn't that something trolls have? I don't want to look like a troll!' Her thoughts ran so fast she completely stopped paying attention to her surroundings. Redland gazed at her as she flitted about the glade, shaking his bough of leaves; His eyes reflecting both humour and exasperation.

"Such a... hasty child. Never waiting... for an answer... to any questions," the old ent rumbled. Ilise continued her erratic flitting around the clearing. "Regeneration is... something we all... have."

Ilise stopped in her tracks, before trying to recall the status, while ignoring the burning sensation associated with it. "The only other thing it could be is this unreadable line." She shook her head. 'Great. My special skill, and I have no idea what it could be.' Her wings drooped, and blue powder fell to the forest floor.

"Perhaps it... requires another... trigger. Something that... you do not po... sess yet."

"Or maybe she should worry not. A growday is no day for thought." A gentleman with a short goatee clopped his way into the clearing, shaking dead leaves off of his hooves as he passed through the circle of ents. "Come child, there is revelry about this day. The dryads will have much to say. The ents have given you their prize, come play with creatures more your size."

"Greetings... young faun. Did the children... send you to... collect her?"

"Indeed they did, oh majestic tree, won't you come just to see?"

Ilise hovered quietly for a moment before floating down to rest between the short horn nubs poking through the curly hair of the faun. "Onward oh noble steed," she giggled. Suddenly the faun was covered in a puff of smoke, before appearing as a small goat with curly brown fur on the top of its head.


I’ll probably get really sick of the rhyming couplets and broken speech patterns after a few chapters, but it’s the best way to differentiate characters without constantly writing their names.

Ilise is normal speech patterns for now, Redland and other ents will do the... speech in... chunks.

And my fauns and satyrs shall speak in some type of rhyme. Haven’t thought of a good name for the rain yet.

Fallen_Northcreators' thoughts
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