
Art Of The Stars

Author: beatitudes
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Dreaming of becoming an actress is her dream that she wants to achieve, also she has a dream like a child; for her family to be together again. Just like a dream, you’d find yourself in a whole new world where you can imagine what you want but what if it’s not a dream anymore? Son So Jung, a famous author in RED Publishing Company that she suddenly woke up as Son Hana, an actress with a bad reputation?! Hey Fellow Author, care to tell me what’s going on here? *** “Hana Son, wake up. We’re late for the photoshoot at BOYs.”a deep voice was heard, as if I am listening to a voice actor delivering his lines. Damn, if this is a dream then I don’t want to wake up and listen to this lovely voice that I hear. “If you won’t wake up then I have no choice but to kick you out of the bed.”there it is again, come on! Feed me with your enchanting voice that captured my maiden heart. Then suddenly I felt a pressure behind my back as if someone kicked me and I fell down from my bed with my face facing the floor. “Dreams are sweet but when waking up, it brings you back to reality. Thanks a lot Mister Nice Voice!”I complained as I sat up. I groaned as I rubbed my forehead and I opened my eyes to see a man standing beside my bed. I slapped my forehead and said, “Damn did I bought a standee when I was drunk last night at the party?” His dark eyes turned even colder than before, “I’ll count from one to three or else I’ll drag you to the bathroom.” “I bought a talking robot instead?! Boss will kill me if I have bought something expensive again!”I panicked while messing with my hair. Dokyum will rip my body into pieces and bury me everywhere in my grandfather’s villa. He suddenly kneeled down and closer to me until his breath hit my face. He went closer to my face to the point his check brushed against mine and whispered against my ear, “Or do you want to be washed by me?” All of my blood rushed to my face. Hey Dear Author! Can you tell me what’s going on right now?!

Chapter 11 <All Night Long>

— Son So Young —

— Seoul, South Korea —

It was a lovely evening in Seoul, South Korea. Under the million stars, a mansion stood in the middle of the field.

Owned by the Son Family, inside were only the people who works there and the two out of three of the Son Siblings.

The sounds of the keyboard and the mouse surrounds between my big brother and I as we furiously clicking on it. We looked each other intensely, I broke the eye contact with him first I need to focus, or else he'll win.

I can't let him win and get the prize, that's not gonna happen. Not on my watch, Mister.

This silver haired and gray eyed man beside me was my older brother, and the platinum blonde and hazel eyes lady beside him was me.

I quickly press the enter, later on I heard he pressed enter too. We narrowed our eyes while looking each other, I could imagine a spark between our eyes.

Someone said as she opened the door, "Children, I have your snacks, oh!", she stopped knowing that we won't respond.

"Please continue with your game."Ahjumma Seoji said while placing the tray at the table before she exited the game room quickly.

None of us glanced at the door, nor we looked at the desserts she prepared for us such as cookies, brownies, and macaroons. Any second can't be wasted in this game, especially when we betted on something.

Ahjumma Seoji was the one who took care of us since we're young, when our parents are not here to stay and take care of us themselves. Would they even earn money if they'll take care of us instead of working their arses off?

Three, he smirked at me as he raised his eyebrow up. Oppa and his arrogance, he should stop being arrogant or it'll be his downfall.

Two, I rolled my eyes and focused on the computer in front of me. Let's just be humble instead, who knows I might win.

One, anytime it would show up. I need to win, my life is at risk. I need to pass this through, just a little more points than his would do!

Zero, and this is where our fate tells us. Win or lose, it's now or never. I hate to lose but I'm not a brat to cry about it.

"Whooo! I win! I got sixteen thousand seven hundred and nine points! Buy me a drink tomorrow morning."I said as I clapped my hands. He smashed his head on the table.

It was a game, we always play when we're bored or if we have our free time. Playing shooting games, and many more. Call me unlady, but I love this kind of games.

"Okay, you win again but next time I'll win again."he said as he stood up, I rose up from my chair.

"Are you mad, Min Oppa?"as I giggled. I won out game five days straight, he can't win against me.

"No, it's not like that but why are you so talented?"he asked, standing behind me. Looking at me, he was smiling brigtly but it still looks sad.

"No oppa, why are you more talented than me? Remember that I'm your number one fan."I said and I hold his hand, smiling at him sweetly.

"I'm your number one fan too, okay? Don't you still have to sleep?"he said, I stopped while thinking, my job.

"I'll go now, see you tomorrow!"I shouted while rushing to my room.

I heard him laughed behind me, damn it's past 10 pm and I still need to go to the hospital early in the morning.

"No running in the hallway, Miss Son!"one of the maids said while carrying a bucket.

"Miss Son, be careful. You might trip again!"one of the butler said, I looked back while laughing till I hit the wall.

All of them rushed around me as they showered me with questions and I gave them a thumbs up to assure them that I'm fine. The maids helped me to get up and I straighten myself.

"Thank you, you may now go."I said while going to my room, rubbing my forehead


It was past 12:42 in the in the morning, who would call me at past 12 for heaven's sake? I swear if this is not important I'll shout at this person.

"Hello, It's Sojung speaking. What can I do for you in this fine morning?"I said, the other person on the line cleared it's, rather his throat.

"It's that how you talk to your boss? Go back here, I need to talk to you."the scary monster said, and he ended the call.

I stood up and went to the bathroom, I took a bath and changed. I quickly grabbed my phone, laptop, and notebooks.

"Oppa? Ahjumma? Everyone? I have to go, duty calls."I said through the phone connected to their rooms, pretty useful though.

Can't he wait till the sun rise, but why did he have to call me? He could ask Heomin or Jisoo to talk to, but why me? Am I in trouble again?

"You and your attitude, I hate you scary monster ruining my sleep again."I muttered while grabbing my car keys, I left the room to go down.

Going towards the parking lot, I started the engine and calling the guard to open the gate. I stopped beside the guard house, opening my window.

"Thank you. Sorry for disturbing your sleep, I'll be staying at the office again."I smiled while waving at the guard before rushing to the building of RED.

I work for the RED Publishing Company, it's famous and great. I am one of the authors, also a scriptwriter in some of the famous movies. Everyone is so nice to me, but except for our so-called boss or my team leader.

He's grumpy and a very demanding person. He's nice sometimes, but his mean personality is always on top. When talking about my brother's books, he's so nice to me like an angel.

Asking me for some spoilers and such, of course as a good sister I told him that I didn't know about the unpublished chapter.

I parked my car, running towards the elevator. Pressing number 3, where everyone in the company sleeps when they needed to work overtime.

I knocked before going inside, maybe Jisoo is still sleeping. I placed my bag at the top of my table, opening the door and peeked inside where Jisoo is sleeping soundly.

I left the room before going to his office, I straighten my coat and fixed my hair. Entering the elevator again to press number 4 where we work our magics, along with the offices of the team leaders.

Knocking twice before entering the office, seeing him sat at the chair while his back is facing me. He turned around to face me as he propped his chin in the palm of his left hand.

"Looks who decided to show up? Good morning, Miss Son. Have a seat please."he said, I bowed while making face underneath. I smiled when I faced him, so fake Sojung.

My senior's name is Nam Dokyum, but I prefer calling him scary monster. It is because he has scary attitude and a hideous angry face.

"Good morning, boss. What do you want to talk about?"I said while sitting the the chair in front of him, my tiredness was replaced by irritation.

"Did your brother wrote another chapter of Law of Love?"he asked me, which my jaw dropped. Imagine pink popping hearts at his background when talking about my brother's book, he totally loved them.

Did he seriously called me to ask this? He called me at past 12 in the morning just to ask this? Is he even serious?

Why can't I sleep properly even him disturbing it? Is he a immortal not to sleep? Is he even a human?

I sighed while calming myself not to punch him before answering him, "He's currently working on it yesterday and he might publish it next two days from now, is that all boss?"he nod, I stood up and reaching my hand out to the knob.

"Wait, Miss Son. One more thing before you go."he said, I glanced at him and raised my eyebrow.

"Don't doze off during work time and if that happens, unless you want to run around with five laps. I expect your new chapter in two days, dismissed."he said while gesturing me to go out. I closed the door and left.

He caught me last time when I was closing my eyes, he flicked my forehead after that.

I returned to our office, I sat and rest my head on top of the table. I'm so tired, I only have a proper sleep when I'm still inside of my mother's womb.

Ting-ting, I groaned while finding my phone. As I found it, I quickly sat up and checked who texted me. He was telling me to have a strong heart to bear with my boss' ways.

I smiled and locked my phone, I'll just reply him later when the sun rises. I stood up and opened the door.

I climbed at the bed, and tucked myself in. Praying before closing my eyes.


I was startled with the sound of the party popper that caused me to sat up and hit my head. I always forget that this type of bed was a double deck.

Jisoo was smiling from ear to ear with the party popper at his left hand, "Good morning Sojung-ah!"

I rubbed my forehead as I stood up, "What's with that? Along with the balloons?"

"Didn't you know? The company is throwing you a party tonight!"he exclaimed as he took both of my hands and jumped around me.

I was still processing as I took my hands away from him, "What do you mean?"

"He's now promoting you as the president of the company! Boss will not be your boss now!"he said.

I was puzzled, why would our CEO appoint me as the new president? What is he planning right now?

"I should go to the office of our CEO, also clean up this mess before working."I said as I left the room.

As I passed through the hallway, everyone was congratulating me as I smiled at them. I entered the elevator and pressed the top floor where his office is in.

The elevator door opened as I went off the elevator. I went to the reception as the receptionist smiled at me.

"Good day Miss Son, are you looking for Mr. Min?"she asked as I nodded.

"He's resting at his room right now, should I notify him that you're here?"she suggested.

"No need, thank you Jieun."I said as I went inside his office, and entered the black door where his room is.

He was sitting at his swivel chair while his holding a glass of wine with his eyes closed.

"I wanted to talk to you about my promotion."I softly said as he opened his eyes.

He suddenly showed me his smile that charmed a lot of ladies in South Korea. He stood up and went closer to me.

"Good morning my little goddess, did you like my gift?"he said as he caressed my hair.

This guy is the grandson of the founder of this company, Min Jaeho who is also my boyfriend.

"That's not my point here, why did you give me such position?"I asked him that caused him to chuckle.

He kissed my cheeks and said, "Why of course, it's for my girlfriend. Also we'll officially announce our relationship."

I scoffed and slightly pushed him away, "Would Miss Xie pull my hair from China to Korea knowing her fiancé is giving his little girlfriend a position next to yours and announcing our real status?"

He suddenly pulled me close to him while kissing my hair, "I am doing my very best to cancel the wedding, my grandfather and her family only wants this wedding."

I pouted and hugged him back, "Okay then, I'll stay at your place tonight?"

He suddenly bit my ear and kissed my neck, "Of course, after your party. We'll have our own party."

I bit my lower lip, as I wondered what kind of party does he mean?

I laughed at him and said, "So I'll see you at the party tonight? Or do you want me to stay?"

He gently pushed me towards his bed and said, "I guess you have that as an answer."

Such a long day, and a nice time to sleep with someone you love.

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