

Elena was sitting by her mother as she was working on the wedding plan, it was now January a year the drug was finally out, but she has not wake up yet, Elena would take care of her most of the days but if they needed help in the studio or the jewelry store, she would go. Gabriel was busy still looking for who was behind Susie and Emma, so far nothing yet he had some people tail them and found out that Susie became one of the CEO Mistress and Emma is now in the entertainment business.

"Mom I was thinking of giving the guest if they are ladies some gift cards to a spa and some simple yet elegant jewelry and for the men watches and gift cards to a country club. Gabriel thinks that I am begin to nice, but I told him that they will be giving us gifts as well and this can be a thank you for coming to wedding gift" Elena said.

She looked at her mother but there was no response, but she looked back at her drawing a new edition to the jewelry store.

"I was also thinking for the older generations tea sets. Wouldn't that be nice? I am glad I moved up the wedding it give me enough time to prepare everything, the wedding dress and the suit is ready as well as the brides maids and groomsmen are ready as well, I am now working on my six grandparents and in laws as well as uncle and aunty. And I also made you and dad an outfit" Elena said.

Elena places the papers down it was noon, so she began doing her mothers routine giving her facial and messaging her legs, when she was done, she held her mother's hand as she slow brushes her hair away from her face. They moved her back to the Zhou Mansion since she was still legally married to her father and she had to explain it to her uncle Bradley he was mad at first, but her grandparents also agreed with her too.

"Were waiting for you to wake up mom, if you don't wake up this year, I can always move up my wedding again until you wake up, I want you to be there, I want you to meet Gabriel too you would love him mom" Elena said.

Elena was about to speak again when she felt her hand begin squeezed, she looked down and back at her mother.

"Mom?" Elena said.

She felt the hand squeeze again, this time she heard a groan Elena push the emergency button beside her bed, and she looked back at her mother as she slowly opens her eyes.

"Mom" Elena gave out a small sob.

Lilly saw her daughter in front of her as she gave a small smile, she was about to speak up but her mouth felt dry.

"Let you pour you some water" Elena said.

Lilly nodded her head, Elena quickly poured her some water and help her drink it a few minutes later Jackson came into the room, since he was her doctor, he lived near the Zhou mansion, nobody was home today so while Jackson was checking on her Elena was making calls to her family member. When everybody got Elena's call, they went to the Zhou Mansion, the first person to show up was Gabriel usual he would have lunch with her and her mother, Jackson gave him the update as they made there way to Lilly's room as they got closer, they could hear laughter inside the room. Gabriel knocked on the door and heard Elena say come in.

"Gabriel" Elena said smiling.

She took his hand and went towards her mother.

"Mom this is Gabriel" Elena said

"Gabriel, nice to meet you. Last time I saw you, you were just two years old" Lilly said.

"She remembers" Elena said.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Zhou" Gabriel said

"Please it should be mom, were going to be family soon. Elena been telling me all about the wedding, but she didn't tell me much about the man she's marring" Lilly said.

"Sorry" Elena said shyly.

"So, tell me, Gabriel how have you been" Lilly said.

While waiting for the rest of the family to come Gabriel spoke with Lilly and Elena talking about his life and what he was up too the next people that came were Ella and David, they cried for a long time when they saw Lilly again. The last person that came was George he was on his flight home and once he got off the plane and got Elena's message, he rushed home. By evening time only George and Lilly were in the room as Jackson was speaking to the family about Lilly.

"For now, we can start slowly on training her body mostly her legs to walk again and I will be giving her testes, but I need I would need to take her to the hospital for those" Jackson said.

"What about the media?" Ella said.

"I will handle it; I have something in mind" Gabriel said.

"We can move her tomorrow, well that give you enough time?" Bradley said.

Gabriel nodded his head to him.

"Can she get in a wheelchair for now?" Ella asked.

"Yes" Jackson said.

"Okay, we can have a dinner. Elena go and tell your mother to get ready" Old Zhou said

Elena nodded her head as she made her way towards her mother's room and she can hear some chuckles and knocks on the door as she opens.

"Dad, mom. Grandpa said to get ready for dinner. Jackson said you can use the wheelchair; I have your clothes her and the maids well help with the bath" Elena said.

"Okay, I will see you there" Lilly said to George.

He nodded his head and gave Lilly a kiss a head and went out the room as some maid's came in and help Elena with her mother get ready.

Next chapter