
First Snow

Chris had mixed feelings about leaving Rosaline alone in the castle. She was already injured and the magic she was doing now, would probably kill her. Chris felt a knot in her stomach thinking about it. She didn't want to leave her there, and that was why Rosaline started the magic. Rosaline knew even if they didn't try to save themselves, they would leave to save Sol. 

Maybe others were a little surprised and angry at Rosaline for using her son as an ultimatum or not thinking about her son enough, but Chris understood her. She knew Rosaline loved her son more than anything. And if she was in Rosaline's place she would have done the same. If she had the power to save everyone, by sacrificing herself, she would have done it.

Chris also realized how much Rosaline really trusted her when she asked to keep her son safe and she promised herself that she will keep Sol safe no matter what.

Chris clutched Oziyat and Sol tight. She was almost flying as Oziyat held on to her and Ginny on one side, Luna and Colin on the other, and was carrying unconscious Sol over his shoulders while running as fast as the wind. Chris just got a glimpse when they entered an underground passageway, after that, everything turned to blur. Finally, after a few minutes, they emerged outside. As soon as the bright sunlight hit Oziyat, he slowed down, wincing. 

"Oziyat!" Chris started to run as she noticed the burning marks appearing on his exposed skin.

"I'm fine," Oziyat said gritting his teeth. "We are almost out of time."

"C'mon, we can make it," Ginny said running as she and Chris pulled Oziyat and Sol with them.

"Oziyat's marks are getting worse Chris, Chris," Luna, who was supported by Colin, muttered. "Colin, can you make a Portkey?"

"I could if we had a little more time," Colin replied looking worried as well.

"Luna and I could Apparate but with so many people side-apparating, it's going to be dangerous," Ginny told Chris.

Chris bit her lip thinking as Oziyat's speed started to slow down every second.

"Stop! I have an idea," Chris shouted suddenly.

However, Oziyat didn't stop, he still tried to push through without listening. Ginny, Luna, and Colin stopped and looked at Chris.

"Oziyat!" Chris worriedly grabbed Oziyat and looked at her friends, "hold on tight. Okay?"

"Chris, what are you —?" Colin began but at the same time, held on to her shoulder, so did Ginny and Luna.

"FAWKES!" Chris screamed. "Get us out of here!"

Immediately, Chris felt the flames cocooning around her like a warm hug, as her feet left the ground. She still held on to Oziyat and Sol and felt her friends holding her as they spun in the air before they were dropped onto the hard ground. They were holding each other so tightly that they stumbled and fell on top of each other.

Chris looked up and found herself in front of a cave mouth surrounded by a deep forest. Fawkes gave a little musical cry as he flew down and sat down near the cave.

"Did we get out of Titian?" Chris asked Fawkes.

"Yes, far away," Oziyat replied looking around.

Ginny, Luna, and Colin panted still lying on the ground and Chris let out a long sigh. After a moment, she got up and picked Sol up.

"Let's go inside the cave," Chris suggested as Fawkes thought the cave was safe. Also, the forest was thick but there was still sunlight, Oziyat was still burning.

No one objected to Chris and they quickly got up and headed inside the cave. It wasn't a big cave but there was enough space for six people.

"We should make sure this is safe and —" Oziyat started but Ginny cut him off.

"You rest. We got this."

Oziyat and Chris both looked at Ginny surprised, she just shrugged.

"We know what to do, Prince. You sit down and recover," Ginny said unbuckling her bag. "We would make sure the place is safe."

Oziyat nodded and retreated into the farthest, darkest corner of the cave and slumped down on the stone floor. Nobody spoke and for a while, Chris, Ginny, Luna, and Colin just stared at the gloomy corner where Oziyat was sitting down closing his eyes.

"Alright, let's get to work," Ginny broke the silence. "Colin, Chris, I have some sleeping bags and blankets in my bag. Make Sol, Luna, and Prince comfortable. I will put some protection charms around the place and then keep watch."

"I will switch with you after I patch Luna up," Colin said taking the bag from Ginny. 

Ginny nodded and marched outside. Chris heard her muttering some spells, "Cave Inimicum . . . Salvio Hexia . . . Protego Totalum . . . Repello Muggletum . . . Muffliato . . ."

Colin pulled out some blankets and sleeping bags from Ginny's bag and spread them on the cave floor with a wave of his wand. He then helped Luna onto one of the sleeping bags, and look through her bag, and pulled out potion vials. 

Chris was in awe, at how quickly Ginny and Colin adapted to the situation and knew exactly what to do. She remembered how many months her friends have spent in the tents while looking for her. This had become normal to them.

Chris put Sol down on a sleeping bag and pulled a blanket over him, as the inside of the cave was getting chilly. Sol was still unconscious and when Chris checked him, he looked exhausted and she guessed what happened to him. Sol was beating that Minion with anger and wherever he touched it burned the man. His such burst of emotion probably triggered his magic for the first time, but that magic took a toll on his body.

Chris gave Sol some potions to recover and taking a healing gel, she approached Oziyat. Colin had put a sleeping bag in front of him but he didn't move, he just sat on the floor.

"Have your burns healed, Oziyat?" Chris whispered sitting down beside him.

For a moment, Oziyat didn't answer, so Chris stayed quiet as well. But after a few minutes, he spoke,

"Sunburns take time to heal."

"Will the gel help?" Chris asked.

"Forgive me, Christina, I would like to be alone for a while. Please don't mind . . ." 

"No, no, it's fine."

Feeling worried Chris glanced at him but got back to Colin, Luna, and Sol.

"Colin, you stay with Luna and keep an eye on Sol, I will see if Ginny needs any help outside," Chris told Colin and he nodded.

Chris walked out and Fawkes landed on her shoulder.

"Thanks, Fawkes," Chris smoothed the bird's feathers and he nuzzled close to her.

"She really saved us, huh?" Ginny said, standing just beside the mouth of the cave, leaning back on the mountain's edgy surface.

"She did," Chris plopped down on the ground.

"How did you learn to do that?" Ginny joined her on the ground.

"I don't know. It just sort of happened. It's like I knew Fawkes would help me, I felt it through our bond," Chris replied.

"Like Dumbledore," Ginny mumbled.

Chris nodded slightly and looked up at the sky. The sky was rapidly darkening with low-hanging grey clouds.

"It's going to snow," Ginny observed.

⟦To be continued⟧

Hey guys, here's another chapter. Tell me how did you feel about it and do you have any guesses about what's going to happen next?

Love, Snowflake.

Mystical_Snowflakecreators' thoughts
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