

"I quit," Colin said throwing his hands in the air.

Chris and Ginny looked at him and laughed. The three of them were sitting in a corner of the almost empty common room. It was past ten. But they still had some homework to complete. Ginny was writing a big essay on Muggle transportation, Colin was struggling with his divination homework and Chris just finished her Ancient Runes writing.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked pulling out her copy of Unfogging the Future. "It can't be that bad."

"Oh try and understand these things, it'll take years," Colin said pushing his parchment towards Chris.

Chris looked at it and smiled, Colin had written only two lines in past one hour.

"Relax, let's do it together, shall we?" Chris said pulling her own parchment for divination homework.

"Hey, you were going to explain to me about this underground trains," Ginny said.

"I will. Don't worry and finish your essay." Chris replied and set to work on their predictions for the coming month.

After loads of calculation, Chris and Colin made a little more progress.

"So according to our Jupiter, by next week someone will try to hurt me physically." Chris scribbled it down. Then smirked. "I'll like to see them try."

"Well according to my Mars and Mercury, by the end of the month, my life will be in grave danger?" Colin stopped before writing it down. "Really?"

"If the planets are saying this then maybe," Chris said laughing. "But don't worry, I'll save you. Promise."

"Are you two really calculating these or just making it up?" Ginny laughed, collecting her things from the table.

"We're writing what the planets are telling us," Chris said seriously. "We make our own future, Miss Weasley. It's homework so let it be."

"Cool. Goodnight, see you in the morning." Ginny smiled and walked towards the girls' dormitory.

"Goodnight." Colin and Chris said in unison.

The common room was completely empty, by midnight when Colin finished his homework and left for the boys' dormitory. 

At half-past twelve, Chris yawned, finishing the divination homework. She felt too tired to climb the stairs to her room. She got comfortable in the armchair and felt herself falling asleep.

Suddenly the portrait swung open and someone hurriedly walked inside. Chris jerked open her eyes before that person could disappear in any dormitory.


Chris rubbed her eyes for a clear view as the person spun around at her voice.

"Why are you still here?" Harry asked.

"I was doing my homework and fell asleep," Chris said getting up from her chair. "What're you—? Wait, you were with Umbridge. Harry, what did she do?"

"Er — nothing — she just made me do lines," Harry said pulling his right hand behind him. "That's all."

"Harry seriously?"

"Yes, that's it. Goodnight." Harry started to walk towards the boys' dormitory.

"Ok but wait," Chris called.

Harry stopped and turned back at her.

"What?" He asked meeting her gaze.

Chris looked at Harry's eyes carefully. Then —


Image after image swam before Chris.

A room draped in lacy covers and cloths... Several vases were full of dried flowers, each residing on its own doily... Technicoloured kitten wearing a different bow around its neck... Umbridge smiling her too-sweet smile, in a luridly flowered set of robes that blended only too well with the tablecloth on the desk behind her... A long, thin black quill with an unusually sharp point... Few words were written on parchment in shining red ink... Then the same words appeared on the back of Harry's right hand, cut into his skin as though traced there by a scalpel... I must not tell lies...

"What are you doing?" Harry snapped looking horrified.

Without waiting Chris pulled Harry's right hand to see. She saw the cut had healed, but that the skin there was red raw. Harry hastily pulled back his hand.

"What did you do?" He asked aggressively.

"Why were you so determined to lie?" Chris snapped.

"I don't want anyone to interfere. It's between her and me." Harry almost shouted.

"It's not," Chris said furiously. "It's not between you and her. It concerns me, it concerns Cedric and it concerns each and every person who believes us."

"What did you do?" Harry repeated.

"Legilimency," Chris sighed. "Mind reading, I'm practising it," she added as Harry looked more confused.

"You can read minds?"

"Many people can do that, Harry, but that's not important right now," Chris said seriously. "Tell me what did she say to you? What else she make you do?"


"Harry! Don't make me —"

"She said I'm spreading evil, nasty, attention-seeking stories," Harry said gritting his teeth. "And made me cut open my hand, happy?"

"No, absolutely not," Chris said tugging Harry down to an armchair. "Sit down."

"Chris, let me go." Harry protested.

"Sit down or else I'll make you," Chris said coldly.

Harry sat down angrily. Chris pulled out a vial from her locket. The vial was full of thick yellow liquid. Chris took some from the vial and lightly rubbed it on the back of Harry's right hand.

"A potion made from murtlap tentacles, it will help," Chris answered Harry's questioning gaze. 

They sat in complete silence as Chris rubbed the liquid on Harry's hand. Soon the reddish and raw look was gone from his hand.

"Better?" Chris asked.

"Yeah," Harry replied without looking at her.

"What did she say? Will she make you do this the entire week?" Chris tried to keep her voice calm.

Harry nodded.

"Harry we can tell Profe —"

"No, we can't." Harry snapped. 

"Why? She's using dark arts on you. And the smile on her face when she saw your hand..." Chris trailed off as her voice took a frantic tone. 

"We can't tell anyone I'm not giving her the satisfaction of knowing she's got to me," Harry said. "And I don't know how much power McGonagall's got over her. And Dumbledore got enough on his mind."

"We both know that's not the reason, Harry. You don't want to tell Dumbledore anything because he hasn't talked to you yet." Chris groaned. "He told me you'll be upset."

"He did?" Harry said bitterly.

"Yes, he did Harry, and you must know there is a very big reason why he's not talking to you."

"And he told you the reason."

"No, he didn't." Chris lied. "But I trust him, now the question is do you?"

Again there was a heavy silence.

"Take this," Chris said thrusting the yellow liquid vial in Harry's hand. "Put it on the place after she cut it. I'll see what can I do with her."

Chris got up.

"Chris don't," Harry said suddenly. His voice was surprisingly calm. "She is evil, twisted. She'll also make you do this."

"Trust me, Harry, the day she tries to cut open my hand like this, I'll make sure she never got the confidence to do it again," Chris said darkly and walked towards the girls' dormitory.


To be continued...

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