
Kreacher's Secret

Leon, Pigwidgeon, Errol and Hedwig, all were gathered in front of Leon's cage. Chris was giving them some Owl Treats when Ginny and Hermione entered the room.

"So what happened after I left?" Chris asked without looking at them.

"Nothing. Mom pushed us towards the bedrooms and...."

"Sirius and Lupin threw very stern looks to Harry." Hermione said. "He shouldn't have blamed you. But you know he's really shaken up by this..."

"He's always shaken up, Hermione." Chris said, eyes still fixed at the four owls. "And I think, you should prepare yourself because he's going to be more shaken up and angry now on."

"Why?" Ginny asked.

"Good night." Chris slipped on her bed and pulled the covers over herself.

Ginny and Hermione exchanged a worried look, then they said together, "Night."


It was a forest. Not the usual forbidden forest of Hogwarts. It was a different forest. A forest Chris had never seen before. The trees had little distances between them, so the sunlight was brightly touching the ground, squeezing itself through the green leaves. Few people in hooded cloak were walking through the forest. They were laughing and talking loudly. They looked very happy but suddenly there were screams. Chris tried to run towards the screams but a hand stopped her and pulled her back.

"Chris! Chris!" 

Chris woke up and looked around. She was lying on the floor, Hermione was pulling her hand, to lift her up from the floor. Ginny was sitting on her bed, looking very surprised.

"What happened?" Chris asked sitting up.

"I woke up and saw you're lying on the floor and was twitching. I was so scared. Are you alright Chris?" Hermione replied.

"Yeah. I'm good, I guess." Chris said rubbing her eyes. Her face was covered in sweat.

"Was that another one of those dreams?" Ginny asked.

"Huh? No. It was different. There were not any sign of the four founders, it also felt different." Chris sighed as she remembered the dream. "It was like, I wasn't completely in that place, like I was just watching it from far away."

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other.

"Stop looking so worried." Chris said noticing them. "I've lots of experience with dreams. I'll be fine. I just need breakfast."

It was six o'clock when Chris entered the kitchen. It looked empty at first glance but next second a sobing sound interrupted. Chris looked around and saw Kreacher was crying in a corner of the kitchen.

"Hello, Kreacher." Chris said walking towards him.

Kreacher angrily looked up at him, just about to say some nasty things but then stopped as his eyes met Chris's.

"You ok?" Chris asked.

He nodded his head and looked away.

"Hey, I'm not that bad with the house-elves, you know." Chris said sighing. "It's just you were rude to my friends and others, so I was a little furious. Sorry, alright. I'm not going to kill you anything. I know, you're upset over the entire throwing the Black family things but you know there are lots of objects which can be harmful. But if you're specifically fond of anything you can ask for it, me or Hermione will make sure, you get it."

Next few minutes Kreacher didn't reply or look up to Chris.

So without waiting, Chris started making breakfast using magic. 

"Kreacher is looking for something." Kreacher said suddenly. "It was Master Regulus. He wanted Kreacher to keep it safe but now Kreacher have lost it."

And again Kreacher broke into hysterical sobs.

"Alright! Kreacher!" Chris said looking at him kindly. "Don't cry. Tell me what's it? Maybe we didn't throw it yet."

"It was a locket. Golden locket." He sobbed. "Master Regulus. Sorry Master Regulus. Kreacher is a bad elf. Oh Kreacher is so bad."

Chris think back at the things they threw out or Fred and George took from the rooms when she remembered the golden locket. She took a locked golden locket, which was still lying in her trunk.

"Er... So... Regulus's locket. You mean Regulus Arcturus Black? Sirius's brother?" Chris said.

"Yes. But he was nothing like that traitor..."

"Kreacher." Chris said his name like a warning.

"He was nothing like Master Sirius." Kreacher said gritting his teeth. "Master Regulus was so kind, so good, perfect son, Mistress was so proud..."

Kreacher started to cry silently.

"Mistress was so worried when Master Regulus disappeared. She asked Kreacher but Kreacher couldn't tell.. Master Regulus..." Kreacher abruptly stopped, his eyes widened, he looked horrorstruck. 

Chris felt he was going to reveal something big. But before Chris could ask, Kreacher seized a frying pan and started to bang his head on that.

"Kreacher... is a... fifth. Kreacher... is a... bad elf. Oh... what Mistress... will... think.... Oh.." He was banging his head and crying.

"Stop Kreacher. Stop." Chris seized the frying pan back from him. "You're not going to kill yourself in front of me."

Kreacher looked up at Chris then suddenly jumped back and ran out of the kitchen.

Chris sighed and get back to breakfast making after few moments.

After half an hour, when Ginny, Hermione and Tonks entered the kitchen followed by Mrs. Weasley, Chris was eating bacon and eggs.

"Oh! You're early, Chris." Mrs. Weasley said.

The missing "dear" in Mrs. Weasley's sentence told Chris that she didn't forget yesterday's conversation.

"Yeah I was hungry." Chris said. "I've made toasts, muffins, bacon and eggs. It'll enough for all of us, if you want to eat."

"Really?" Mrs. Weasley checked all of the foods on the table and slightly smiled. "There was no need to do that dear. You could've called me."

"No it's alright. I wanted to help." Chris said smiling. "According to my Dad, cooking always helps to relief stress."

"They're really great, Chris." Tonks said eating a muffin.

"Colin's letter came." Ginny whispered sitting beside Chris.

"And?" Chris looked at her.

"We were right. Madame Amelia Jones is Susan's aunt. Colin said, he have asked Susan to give her aunt a brief introduction of Harry." Ginny said. "Let's see if that works."

"Explain that too Harry. So that he acts like the description Susan gives." Chris said as Fred, George, Ron and Harry entered the kitchen. "I'll be in the library."

Chris got up and left the kitchen without sparing a glance towards Harry.

As she started climbing the stairs, she came face to face with Charlie and Leyla on the third floor landing.

"Hey Chris. You ok?" Charlie asked. 

"Yup." Chris smiled. "So what's the plan for today? Another big meeting?"

"Oh no. Not for us. We're leaving after breakfast." said Charlie.

"Wait... what?" Chris looked surprised.

"Yes. Dumbledore asked me to go back to Romania." Charlie said.

"Yeah and I'm going with him. Dumbledore gave me loads of work there." Leyla said. "It's really nice meeting you Chris. Have a great year."

"Yes have a great term. I'll see if I can return for Christmas." Charlie hugged Chris. "Bye."

"Bye." Chris said as Leyla hugged her as well.

Smiling they went downstairs as Chris climbed all the way up to the library.

Hey Guys..

Here's the next one..


Mystical_Snowflakecreators' thoughts
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