
Endless fun with my friend (2)

Suddenly, a loud noise came they both turned back. Mouriya was surprised to see that scene, because it is a sound of drums, pomp pomp and etc.

Leader! any function today curiously mouriya asked

"No, this sound and noise is for welcome freshers to join here as guards" leader explained mouriya.

Mouriya : That means for me right ? I know I'm always special but I hate publicity you know, what to do they arranged for me without my concern (sighs) and also I'm very good and obedient boy, so I want to accept their arrangements party.

Leader : ...!!!!!

Leader was really annoyed to answer because he thought if he give a reply also its of no use.

Mouriya : Leader, Why are you silent anything wrong?

"Nothing ! I am so happy because in this abroad Catalica you found me as a friend right . when I think about that I feel veryyy luky !" leader said these words with worried what will be waiting for his future with mouriya.

"You must be happy leader because luck won't tap everybody's life, fortunately it has tapped yours life and the luck is ME " mouriya said with pride.

Leader doesn't know how to react also, he said "Mouriya whenever you say a joke or any stuff please say it is joke, because when you say these I really feel like I'm in DESSERT."

"Why is my jokes are too HOT" asked mouriya with smile.

Leader controlled all his emotion and said "ITS NOT HOT, ITS VERY DRY."

"By Birth you are cold or you're pretending to be cold before me". Mouriya asked innocently.

Leader was speechless and said in challenging way "Don't worry ! some time person attitude will change according to their situation , if that time comes 'WHEN I WILL BE YOU AND YOU WILL BE ME AS COLD MOURIYA"

With proudly smile mouriya said There are chances leader, you can be me but NEVER EVER I WON'T LIKE YOU BE without using precious gift given by god.

Leader in confused manner asked "what do you mean by that I'm not the using the god's precious gift ? mouriya give me answer."

Mouriya said in mischievous way " it is gift that only humans can use that is 'SMILE'."

Hearing this silly answer leader was terribly furious by this boy.

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