
Fast 84

The Fastest Man Alive

Fast 84

By: BigToFu

NASA Technician

Jerry Woods, PhD.

With both palms pressed against his eyes, Jerry had to ask himself again and again, why. Why was he still here dealing with this mess? Why was he still here and not retired somewhere either enjoying the beach or enjoying the nice wilderness around his cabin. Letting out a sigh, Jerry had to stifle his groan as the morons all around him were making their complaints and pitching radical ideas that might get them all killed. Urgh, of course their egos would be so inflated that they thought that having the President to command Blake to cease and desist his work within the solar system would work. It's not like their funding in Nasa hasn't been slashed year over year.

Doesn't help that the fools kept trying to reinvent the damn wheel. It was over thirty years ago that rockets were a dead-end type of technology because of fuel to weight ratio issues. This time when they spoke Jerry found it really had to contain himself as he looked to the sky and silently asked why was he stuck inside a room with these fools.

The Director of NASA cleared his throat, "A fool, am I?"

Shit, he didn't say that out loud did he?

The director gave him a flat look, "Yes, you did."


The flat look turned into that of a glare.

Blinking rapidly, Jerry faked a cough into his hand to clear his throat and gather himself. He needed a way to fix this and get sent out and not lose his 401k.

Clearing his throat one more time, Jerry straightened his polo shirt even as he discretely peeked at the door, "Sorry about that sir, seems I had a lapse of sanity."

"Really," The Director of NASA asked with a raised brow.

"Yes," Jerry answered, then took a pause to shuffle the papers before him and looked around the room. On the Tv in the far corner was their liaison in the White House and even she was looking at him skeptically. "I believe that we should contact the People of Pandora and try to work with them instead of outright trying to bully our way into a situation we are quite frankly incapable of managing."

The room went quiet as all eyes were on him, so Jerry steeled his resolve and pushed forward. "Sir, we haven't been to the moon since the Kennedy administration, our funding is piss poor and the international space station isn't doing so hot. Last report I checked had the tech worried about her just falling right out of the sky." Picking up his coffee, Jerry took a quick sip while they looked stunned at what he was saying. The Nasa liaison though looked like she was about to bust a gasket.

"We have all read the same bio, Blake is a red-blooded American as is everyone inside of this room, there is nothing that states that he won't work with us on this."

"The President can not be seen by the American people begging." The Nasa liaison inserted through a sneer.

Jerry scoffed at her, "We already have established travel permits way before a lot of our allies and let's not forget the access we are allowed to their medical technologies."

"Exactly, Blake already has a hold on medical technology, we cannot allow him to have a hold on space."

Okay, that was just dumb and Jerry had to rub his brows at the White House correspondent. "Ma'am it's not our place to make judgment calls on such things. We are supposed to be scientists that explore and discover things from the far reaches of space. Now, it's clear that Blake has access to technologies that will upend the way we view a lot of physics and advance our own way of life by miles; these are not things we can just demand and expect a superior force to acquiesce."

"Exactly." A voice spoke at the side and Jerry along with the rest of the room jumped at the speaker. A hand went to his heart as he took in the long trench coat wearing man with a single eye patch. Behind the man were what was clearly government goon types in tactical gear along with the eagle on their shoulders.

The bald man surveyed the room, gave the White House correspondent a glare, then made a mention to the second in command to pull her file and get a report to him asap.

"Security!" The NASA director called into his phone.

The bald man shook his head, peeked out of the large window to the office. Took a device out of his coat and placed it on the window before taking a seat. "Yeah, they won't be coming."

"Who are you?" The Chief Engineer to the satellite division asked.

"Usually, I would say that I'm no one but since you have asked nicely, I'm Fury, Director of the Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Division."

Jerry was out of his seat and against the wall in an instant. The government was here for him, and he was about to get whisked away by the Men in Black.

The bald man with the eye patch looked and smiled at him, Jerry could feel his soul wanting to leave this place. The entire room looked at him and it took some time before Jerry realized that he was hyperventilating.

The Director of NASA though didn't see the writing on the wall as he bullied his way through, "And why won't my security be answering the call?"

"Simple," The one named Fury said, "My people are currently in command of the facility."

There was a knock at the door and one of the free-standing agents opened it letting in one of the most generic looking spooks he has ever seen.

"Director, the lab and systems have been secured."

"Thanks Coulson, you can take Jerry here with you on your way." The one known as Fury spoke, and Jerry thought that his heart might escape his chest. He couldn't take it anymore and fainted.

[Scene Break]

Benjamin Blake

Father, Emperor

Generally, when the term is used that one has the weight of the world resting on their shoulders. One usually doesn't mean it in the literal sense. Yet here I am, with the weight of three worlds on my shoulders, my vision blurring at the edges and all I could think about was where did I go wrong. Shifting slightly, I hefted upwards; my arms barely moving inches allowing me better adjustment of my position. The frame of adamantium that I was standing on even creaked as the support structure around the enclosure strained underneath the stress.

On the hologram to the side of the platform, I could see the yellow flash into the red as the system reached its limits before settling back down to little over eighty percent of maximum power. Next to the power was the time and the gravity force being applied. I wanted to applaud myself, but at this point, I would just be stroking my own ego; which would be bad because in the long view of things. I was lifting nothing.

Galactus, Celestials and all the higher tier beings of my reality could throw around planets before breakfast, lunch and dinner and here I was struggling to hold up the weight of three upon my shoulders.

Power flowed around and through me, but I maintained and here I was seventy-five hours later with gravity multiplied by three since we neither had the facilities or the equipment to truly give me a proper workout. The gravity shifted to three point two times the earth's normal, and everything creaked and I really hoped that Doctor Otto was correct about this Kerenthium steel. The madman had looked at my notes for subspace energy and created a damn ZPM before he even figured out what to use to contain the damn thing.

Point being why I liked my mad geniuses to have minders. Granted that gave birth to red matter and self-contained black holes, but still the value of the precaution stands. Never leave a mad super genius to their own devices without a damn minder. A good thing that came out of that situation was the Kerenthium steel made for holding its shape under the forces of a blackhole. Also rated for literal planetary movement as if we could strap this fucking metal around a planet and move the entire thing as if we were a galactic tow company.

We of course made sure to find a dwarf star to test it on which had Otto walking around all smug for days until Rosy reminded him of why his new sleeping location was the couch. The notch clicked from three point two towards three point three, the weight pulling me from my thoughts. I could give props to a human for adding another unbreakable metal to this universe's already long list of bullshit later.

The weight of three worlds pressed down harder upon me even as I pushed with all that I had. Power coursed through and around, eyes blazed and massive coils of lightning swathed around the room as I pushed onwards. Yet, try as I might, I couldn't seem to budge the machine anymore. Again, it all pushed me downwards as the machine clicked to three point four times the earth's gravity and I again held.

The machine clicked three point five, three point six, three point seven and I was forced down and down, the machine getting ever closer to the cut off point. I growled, steam evaporating the sweat from my palms, the machine digging into my hand, biceps bulging and the flexing showed a roadmap of veins depicting all my dedications. Thighs flexing and bulging along with the shifting of my weight and position, yet it felt somehow inevitable.

The weight of the world upon my shoulders and I could hold it, the worst part was understanding that this was light work for a lot of the beings I would face later in my life. I was pushing with all that I had, and it still wasn't enough: the pain of that realization was unbearable for me to quantify.

Three point eight…

Three point nine …

Four times Earth standard gravity.

{ Scene Break… }

Standing outside the room, her heels tapped on the floor in impatience as she waited for the blasted room to open from her authorization. Her personal omni pinged before the double doors leading into the restricted section of the gym hissed open.

Walking down the hallway, Selene ignored the multiple viewing rooms of those with brute ten plus rating working on various machines inside gravity rooms. Even in one of the rooms Hela was working underneath five times the standard gravity performing a training module against multiple foes.

Ignoring it all, her cape swished along behind her barely skimming the floor as she strolled to the largest room within the restricted section area. There was a double beep and hiss as the door slid open to let her into what could only be described as an observation deck. At the controls appeared to be a set of Spartans and Primarch's on the controls and from her vantage point, Ben was down below, and ohh my, all that power.

So delectable… So palpable… A warm spot within her core flared to life as it washed over her. Yet, she had to push those feelings down. She had more than fed on his essence recently, but of course she wouldn't be who she was if she didn't feast often.

Pushing past the railing, Selene strolled down the steps even as she heard mutters and such goings on over bets. The large Primarch that went by the name of Bob had won over a thousand on Blake being able to hit his current levels at well past three times the Earth standard gravity. Each of the Spartans had safer bets and various levels of expectations and had more tempered gambling habits.

Ignoring their squabbling over the credits and Bob's bombastic nature, Selene dropped her minor cloaking spell, "What is going on here?"

Her gaze went flat as Bob screamed in a pitch so high that Selene was certain she would lose hearing if it wasn't for her high-speed regeneration. Leaning to the side with arms folded across her chest, Selene gave Bob a chance to catch his breath even though she gave the others in the room glares that could melt steel. One of the Spartans got his issues under control first and went to answer.

"Your grace, the Emperor is testing the limits of the Kerenthium steel invented by Doctor Otto Octavius." The Spartan at the center controls answered dutifully.

"Ohh yeah, he just kept upping the weight until we hit the equivalent weight of earth," Bob stated bombastically, his hands flying across the center control. "Then from there the boss man has just been upping the gravity."

Selene gave him a flat stare that could strip paint, even her magic started to stir, "It's been three days."

Bob nodded his head along, "Hell, yeah! Boss-man's got this in the bag!"

"Three…days," Selene hissed, her eyes narrowing to slits.

The other Spartans saw the writing on the wall as they vacated the local area; Bob on the other hand scratched at his head, "Hmm, yes?"

It was as if the room temperature dropped ten degrees, frost spread from where she stood even as shadows lengthened. The shifting in stance and the widening of eyes told Selene that Bob realized that he had fucked up.

Cough, Cough, Bob rubbed the back of his neck before looking around only to notice that all the Spartan's along with his fellow Primarch were very studiously looking in other directions. Seeing that no one was going to come to his rescue, Bob rolled his eyes and turned around. "Let me see about dropping that gravity and alerting his majesty."

Standing there she tapped her foot and waited, only to see sweat start to pour down the back of Bob's neck. It was clear that something was wrong and that could only be why the red warning signal kept flashing over the hologram controls to the room Ben was inside. It was clear that he didn't have the clearance to stop Ben from working out. She checked her omni and found what she was looking for before turning around and taking the stairs down to the training area.

"Stop, you can't go in there." One of the Spartans called.

Turning towards him slowly, Selene gave him another flat stare but this time not one that could strip flesh from bones. "Excuse me?" Turning fully around and glaring, hands on hips, "Why is that?"

The Spartan swallowed hard, "The gravity has been turned up to three times the Earth's."

Yes, I heard," Her stare still flat as could be. She paused, turned around and then looked through the clear separator shield. "What I keep hearing is that Ben has been holding up three planets worth of weight this entire time. And all of you just let him."

There was a double beep then the gravity ticked upwards to four.

The Spartans and Primarch shared a look, then shrugged. "He ordered it, your grace, and we are locked out from interfering unless it's an emergency."

Selene pinched her brow, and sighed, she understood them, she really did, but there were times, really. "Well don't just stand there looking at me, this madness is over. There are things that he needs to do."

Before she could say anymore though there was a massive BOOM! From the room.

Exercise over, gravity reset!

Exercise over, gravity reset!

Exercise over, gravity reset!

Exercise over, gravity reset!

Exercise over, gravity reset!

In… Five… Four… Three… Two… One…

Gravity Reset!

Gravity Reset!

Gravity Reset!

The door to the weight room was opened by one of the Spartans and Selene's steps almost faltered as she was hit by not only the musk, but a wall of power that had near physical weight to it. Her pupils dilated and her eyes went wide before zeroing in on the man who brought a flood to her loins.

Blake looked so sad and broken from what he perceived as a personal failure, not even realizing that no one on this planet besides that troll hulk could even think to lift a planet upon their shoulders.

Her steps controlled and cool, heels clicked on her approach, with fluid grace her legs bent, and she was near kneeling down to look Blake in the eye. Sweat poured down his face, his breath was ragged and even with that look of defeat, there was defiance in those bright purple eyes of his.

Her hand lashed out quicker than a cobra strike to grab Blake by the jaw as she leaned close, then took a nice long smell, the power overwhelming her nostrils. Then she trailed her index finger down from his jugular to his navel, then back up across his abdominal muscles and across his well formed pecs. Then across his shoulders and down his back to squeeze his buttcheeks, ohh yeah, momma likes.

All the while Blake gave her a very unimpressed look, then with her other hand behind his head, Selene roughly pulled herself towards him, lips smashing into each other as their tongues battled for dominance.

The entire structure and room shook at his very violent reaction, but it was too late, she already had him where she wanted him. A minor spell shifted gravity along with the removal of his pants. He knew exactly where this was going as the structure shook violently once more, but she was the one in charge now.

A spell stripped Blake of the sweat-stained gear, then another cleaned him as a third closed the door and covered the cameras and viewing window. With gravity inverted, Selene strolled alongside Ben even as she idly ran a finger over his very chiseled body. Each muscle had definition and purpose put behind their development and it was all for more than just battles. Blake was always a fine specimen, but he had turned himself into a very rare breed indeed.

With a smirk playing on her lips, Selene pulled down at the face of defiance even as she graced him with a spectacular view up her dress. Just for him she had even removed her underwear, and she was certain that he would heed her demands.

A flick of two fingers placed her in total control even as her knees bent, her thighs parting to cushion around his ears. A hand went down between her legs and forced Blake to look her in the eyes.

"Lick!" Selene commanded him; the defiance that shone only made her quim quiver with anticipation. Pulling on the spell she used earlier, she gave him one last command. "I said lick."

She noticed his jaws set, and that sparked the need to dominate within her. The spell she was holding flared to life and the room shook fiercely as Blake reacted to the pleasure that was being kept from release.

Smiling down at him, all it took for his compliance was the twist of her index finger to strengthen her spell. The scowl he gave warmed her heart, but it was the quick hard flick of the tongue that sent her clit fluttering. Power unlimited like no other, and all for the taking. Yes, that New York thing could wait for later.

[ Scene Break ]

Stepping out of the bathroom fresh from the shower, I gave Selene a smile as she levitated my shirt over. Putting the shirt on, I made no motion on the cape because from what she was telling me earlier, there just might be combat and when it came to combat.


"So, will you finally tell me about the problem that might need my type of touch?" I asked an arm held out for Selene to take.

She took my hand and gave me a small smile, a smile that promised all the fun. "Just come along, I have it on good authority that there will be plenty of things you can kill."

With a roll of my eyes, I teleported us from the gym section of the facility to the car garage and the waiting hover vehicle. Instantly the Spartans were on guard, but once they saw who it was they relaxed and went back to scanning traveler passes or omni-tools.

Walking through security, Selene and I got into the waiting hover-limo. Within moments of us settling down the limo shot off towards our destination, next stop New York…

With her body pressed against my own, we both enjoyed the companionable silence as we looked out the window at the rapidly approaching city on the horizon. The limo took us on a nice scenic route down and around the Statue of Liberty before going under the Queens bridge and then back across Brooklyn before coming to a stop at the top of Hardy towers.

The shields around the tower shimmered as the limo entered its air space. From there it didn't take long for us to touch down and the door to the limo was opening with a hiss of hydraulics. Getting out, I straighten my combat pants before turning around and offering Selene my hand. Behind me was a hiss of the tower roof doors and the smirk on Selene's lips told me that something to do with my surprise was here.

With a quick motion, I closed the limo door, then turned myself back around and had to catch myself. Standing there in all of her beauty was Felicia Hardy, cat like grace and power all on display in a pencil skirt a shirt with a plunging neckline that could murder, showing off plenty of breast, with a touch of abdominal muscle for me to drink in. Her eyes were traced with a tasteful touch of eyeliner along with a blush that drew the eyes to the lipstick. My eyes went to the very professional bun on the back of her hair even as I noticed the hair picks made of at least tens of millions of dollars' worth of nth metal, but I could tell from the runes and the way her hair was set. All it would take was one movement and Felicia's hair would be down and those hair ornaments would become deadly weapons. My eye traced over the necklace around her neck and I honestly should have expected as much.

Diamonds taken from the oceans of Saturn herself glittered around Felicia's neck. I didn't even bother to look at her earrings because the prices she wore already ranged in the hundreds of millions of dollars: if not billions. Nothing cost more on this planet than that Uru, vibranium, and nth metal necklace with celestial diamonds. We made eye contact and all I could find was mirth within those dark pools of hers.

"Ohh darling, you missed my mother," Felicia pouted even as she was pulled into my arms, her lips meeting my own. I silenced her as we kissed for a moment before pulling away, her hand idly came up to get the lipstick that transferred to my lips, but I didn't care as I rolled my eyes.

"Your mother is a ball ache and I like my blood pressure where it is, thank you very much." I said before turning and giving my Spartans a casual nod. Taking a step back, Selene was allowed to come in closer before we all turned towards the elevator that led down.

Selene gave me a look before turning to Felicia with a raised brow, "Has he arrived?"

Felicia shifted her attention away from me and onto Selene before hitting a button on the elevator control panels, "They are both down in the armory."

Okay, before they had my interest; but now they had my full attention and I wanted to know just who they were, but I had patience and could wait. The elevator was a high speed one and it didn't take us very long to get to the real armory located in the basement levels since the ones in the upper floors were only for show. I kept the peace though and didn't try to break the surprise that they clearly went to great lengths to set up for me. After a quick sixty second ride, the elevator came to a stop at the B3 floor and I was ushered out by both of my ladies. Following behind the two, we went down the hall, through a set of secure double doors and into a room with the damn Punisher himself going over weapons with a sleek battle suit fully decked out with the skull and everything.

Okay, that wasn't a surprise, I knew that he was working with Felicia now that his family lived on Pandora prime full time. What I wasn't expecting was the person standing at the center table going over a set of hologram plans depicting the monster city underneath New York and the Morlocks.

He looked up and I stared back in those dark shades of his and tried not to be swooned off my feet by the badass fucking trench coat he was wearing. Sticking out from his back was the iconic sword and peeking out from underneath the trench coat was a specialized molly vest with silver stakes in it, Blade was back. And from the looks of things, we were about to go down into monster city. Only one word could describe how I really felt about what was clearly about to be a hit sandwich.


Author's Note : Happy 4th of July..

Sorry for the late chapter, but that is life.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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