It was June and a time for vacation. so as a vacation was announced for 1 month I went home. I spent my day with my childhood friends and my best friend her name is Maina. I went her home, spent my 2 days in her home. My best friend home was like my third home to stay. My first home is where I grew up with my grandma and grandpa. my second home was my uncle home were I spent my whole school life. As my mother was far from me due to her work and my so called father he... he just ignored and living with another wife and a daughter.. He never did care for us. I sometimes wonder if he never miss me even a single time.
Days pass by with my family and friends and I forgot about even checking for my phone because I was at home and at my hometown I have some one whom I like although it seems we both like each other we never said anything but remain as friends.
After 5 days I checked my phone then I remembered him and thought he might be crazily messaging me. as I thought he really did send me lot of messages. I didn't look much what he send and just replied hey I'm sorry I didn't see your message as I'm at home in vacation so I was busy with my family and friends.
Later after half hour a message came from him, OK but why you didn't say me you are coming home for vacation. till when you are at home?
I just replied to it saying for 1 month
koko: would you like to meet me?
Alice : is that necessary?
koko: I want to see you
Alice : why?
koko: it that needed a reason to meet a friend?
alice: no
koko: then can we meet?
Alice : I will say if I go to city.
I live in small town so matter of fact if I have to meet him I have to go to city.
koko: OK at least you give me your phone no now.
alice: mmm
koko: we have been chatting in here for already 2 months. can you not trust me still?
Alice : mmm
koko: so will you give me?
Alice : OK
so I send him my number
koko : thank you
alice: for why?
koko: for giving number
alice: ok
koko: can I call you?
Alice : now?
Koko : yes, is there a problem?
Alice : it's already a late night and my mother doesn't like me talking at phone at late night.
koko: OK then I will call you tomorrow. is that OK with you?
alice: ok
koko: thanks
Alice : it's late night. sleep. goodnight
koko: OK goodnight take care