

When Martha did not say anything, the woman added, "Your husband is very daring I must say. Ignoring our threats, he is still doing what we asked him not to. What a brave and stupid move."

Martha fronwed deeper and wondered when did Chris receive the second threat? She had no idea about it and why didn't Chris tell her. "Well, I have no idea about the second threat but since my husband decided to ignore it so I guess he doesn't care who you are or what you want and neither do I." 

The woman smiled and said, "Hmmm I like your confidence. I was expecting a shocked or panicked expression from you but-anyway. I just want to tell you that you must ask Chris to stay away from the mess that his friends are trying to drag him into. He isn't supposed to enter or be a part of it and if he does, he is inviting trouble."

Martha chuckled and asked, "Wait, is this a threat or a warning?"

"What do you think?" The woman asked.

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