
Multiple gifts

Grandma Jones could feel her legs turning weak. 

Grabbing Jackie's hand, Grandma Jones asked," She is alive? Like real?"

Jackie nodded his head and said," Yes, she is alive mom, our little angel is alive."

Just then grandma Jones broke down and burst into tears.

Supporting his mother, Jackie patted her back and said," It's okay mother everything will be alright."

Walking towards his wife, grandpa Jones said," Lisa."

Grabbing her husband shirt, grandma Jones asked," Jerry did you see her? How is she? How does she look? Does she look like our Sabrina?" 

Grandpa Jones pursed his lips and was about to say something but when Jackie shook his head and gestured him not to say a word, grandpa Jones sighed and said," Yes, she looks exactly like our Sabrina. She has my eyes just like her mother." 

" I want to see her too Jerry, I want to see her." Grandma Jones said in between her sobs.

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